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THE NORMAL ADVANCE163LOCALMiss Elsie Kirchhof, who is teaching in theVincennes schools, was mingling with Kappafriends, January 22.The Latin Club, composed of Latin teachersof I. S. N., the city schools, and of the schoolsof surrounding towns, held its regular monthlymeeting February 13. The Club is readingLatin Inscriptions in Verse and at each meeting some member usually presents a paper onsome classical subject. The paper of this meeting was read by Dr. Schlicher on Latin ProseTales of the Middle Ages.Mr. Ray Evans, who was President of theFreshman class last term, has left school andgone to serve Uncle Sam in the navy.Miss Ethel Dixon, visited her parents in Vincennes, February 7.Miss Mary Newhouse narrowly escaped serious injury a few days ago, when she fell fromher chair in Room B. At first it was thoughtshe might be injured but after a careful examination she was found to have sustained only afew slight bruises.Prof. Thompson was unable to meet his classes for several days the latter part of Januaryon account of illness.The first regular monthly examination forteachers licenses was held at Normal Jan. 30.One hundred ten applicants were examined.Of these 47 were trying for State certificates,34 for licenses to teach in other counties besidesVigo, and 29 for this county. Three wrote forhigh school licenses and one for the 60 monthscertificate.Misses Elsie Coss, 07, and Anna Cole werevisitors February 13. Both young ladies areattending Indiana University this year.Miss Blanche Elliott has been forced to withdraw from school on account of her eyes.Mr. Frank H. Stevens, 02, who was recentlymade an assistant in Mathematics at the University of Michigan, was a visitor February 8.Prof. Kimmell officiated as referee of thewrestling match, held February 8, betweenYussiff, the Turk, and Demetral, the GreekDemon.Mrs. Ellwood Kemp and two sons, Ellwoodand Maurice, expect to sail next month forHamburg, Germany, where they will spend sixmonths with Mrs. Kemps parents. Mrs. Kemphas not visited her old home for eight years.Mr. Roscoe Hyde, C. C, 08, stopped off atI. S. N. February 13, while on his way to hishome in Brazil. Mr. Hyde is working on hisMasters Degree at Indiana University, whichhe expects to receive about the end of March.Mr. Homer Phillips spent February 4 and 5with his parents at his home in Orleans.Miss Frances Hood, 06, who is teachingLatin and English in the Hillsdale HighSchool, renewed old acquaintances at I. S. N.February 6. Miss Hood, intends to enter schoolagain in the spring.Miss Mary Morris has withdrawn fromschool to accept a position in the schools of herhome city, Shelbyville.Mr. John Baumunk, who is teaching at Saline, called on us February 6.Dr. Schlicher was present at the meeting ofthe Classical Association of the Middle Westand South, February 24 and 25. The meeting,which was held at New Orleans, was attendedby teachers from all over the Middle Westernand Southern States.The Biology Department has received fivenew microscopes to be used for advanced workin Botany and Zoology. Some fresh sea material has also been received from New York.A complete collection of mussel shells of theOhio River has been sent to the Department byMr. Frank, who was a student last spring. Mr.Frank also sent several specimens of cave materials.Grades three and four of the TrainingSchool, in charge of Miss Edith Bader, rendered a little program in costume, February |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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