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THE NORMAL ADVANCE59ma Dr. Schlicher, Mr. Weng and Mr. Engleman of the Normal School.THE GRIGGS LECTURES.Last Friday and Saturday evenings, November 13 and 14, Dr. Edward Howard Griggsgave the first two of his course of six lectures onthe Poetry and Philosophy of Robert Browning. The remaining four lectures will be givenon Friday and Saturday evenings, November27, 28 and December 11 and 12. In his firstlecture Dr. Griggs, after reviewing briefly thelife of Browning, discussed the PositiveMessage of the poet as it is expressed inRabbi Ben Ezra. On Saturday evening hetook up Abt Voglar and, in his masterfulinterpretation of it showTed Brownings conception of music and its relation to the spirituallife of man. Although Normal Hall was notfilled, the attendance was good. Dr. Griggs isnot a stranger in Terre Haute as he has previously given three courses of lectures here in theNormal School. If one may judge by the twolectures given, this course is to be one of themost helpful and interesting that we have had.Its value lies not so much in the analysis ofparticular poems, though what he has to sayabout these is exceedingly interesting and illuminating, but the value of the course liesmore in the fact, that these lectures give an insight into the life, motives, thought and methods of Browning, which will enable one to readhis poetry understandingly.INTERCLASS DEBATE.While no definite time has been set, all otherarrangements have been completed for the in-terclass debate to be held in Normal Hall thelast of the term, sometime between December10 and 18.Professors Bogardus, Clippenger and Curryacted as judges in the preliminary class contests which resulted in the selection of the following men: Seniors, Ralieh Schorling, OscarFarris Juniors, Leroy James, Wm. Cain Sophomores, Frank Chambers, S. C. Morrill Freshmen, B. H. Bruner, Oscar Haney.The subject for debate is: Resolved, Thatall cities of the United States having a population of 25,000 or more should adopt the Commission form of Government. The Seniorsand Freshmen will defend the proposition withthe Juniors and Sophomores opposing them.We feel that this is the strongest debatingteam that has ever clashed for the honors ofour school, and who will win depends muchupon the individual encouragement given thesemen. Let every student of every class stand byhis representatives and help them win. Letthem know that you expect great things ofthem and you shall not be disappointed. Letevery loyal student help to make this debate thecrowning feature of the term.The debaters of this contest ranking highestwill compose the Varsity team for the year.The second team which is to meet the Normal,111., team will be chosen after the first team hasbeen selected.LOCALMr. Elmer Row of the College Course spenta few days the first of the month at his homein Clay City.The chemistry students made a trip to theMerchants Distillery, Saturday, November 7.Professor Bruce accompanied them and explained the process in full. The classes alsomade a trip to the rolling mill, November 14.Mr. Pickett, principal of the Hillsdale HighSchool, was a visitor October 23.Mr. Perry C. Hendrich was compelled to goto his home October 24, on account of illness.He has not yet returned.Mr. John W. Baumunk, who was presidentof the Sophomore class last spring, was renewing acquaintances at I. S. N. October 26. Mr. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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