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Showing 1 - 20 of 942 results
Search Results - (( a three were m...
Showing 1 - 20 of 942 results
One typed page including photograph; biography of Harry Reeves, Disney writer/animator.
ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown people and events that have shaped our history.Har r y Reevesit...
Vigo County Historical Society
&jMZj£s@&zSC the llamarada isfetfg^&go&sfg1934-1935 SEASONWith eight of the first ten men graduating in 1935, the outlook for the1934-...
Ellettsville High School
No subjects listed
Beaver rides in first Little 500 at IUIt is what Paul Henreid said aboutCasablanca: Nobody knew we weremaking a classic.—Don Beaver, ...
Bloomington High School South
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During the sectional game against Edgewood, designated hitter Danny Blann gives it all hes got.Blanns batting was an important asset to the ...
Bloomington High School North
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rules of the matBloomington South wrestlers give an inside look into wrestlingproving that its more than just a sport...its a lifestyle.The objec...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
THE 1917-18 BASKETBALL SEASONThe Bloomington High School basketball team has had the most successful sea-son in the history of any High School...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
ANNA--Continuedentered the store. The only one he saw was an old man whom heasked concerning the road to Winston Groves.Do I know how t...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
dark hall and with that brown veil on! exclaimed Harold.Im going to ask Louise who she is tomorrow.The next day Harold met Louise ...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
Dome, treasurer
Paddock, parliamentarian, and Sigler, chaplain.The society meets every Saturday morningat 8 oclock. It is the intention of the societyto do more ...
vice-president, Gladys Grey
secretary, Beulah Dunn
treasurer, Maize Jane Elliott
artist, HazelTaylor
parliamentarian, Edith Price.The society is fortunate in the return ofthirteen old members, who are already showing much enthusiasm in the work.The...
treasurer, Mercker, program committee, Blackman and Hahn
historian Hahh.Although the Forum was considerably crippled by the loss of a number of its old members, who are either teaching or in s...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
14THE NOEMAL ADVANCE.course in the University of Michigan. His address is 408 Thomson street, Ann Arbor. Mr.Eateliffe is a member of the sch...
C. 0.Free, of Plainfield, and G. M. Wilson, of NorthSalem. The significant fact s that they are allI. S. N. graduates and through their...
Oct. 26, C. L.Fidlar, subject selected
Nov. 2, Eev. Sellers
subject selected
Nov. 9, to be filled.Y. M. C. A. HOUSE,At the beginning of this term the Y. M. C. A.,with the aid and advice of President Par...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
The wife of a city council member, Catherine Richardson describes the tense hours leading up to the Ohio River flooding the city of Jef...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Edwin Coots, local undertaker and county coroner, was asked to take over as acting mayor during the weeks of the 1937 Ohio River Valley...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
THE XORMAL ADVAXCE163thousand and one other stunts, principallythe meetings of the Equal Suffrage League, theSeniors have been crowded off the map.At&...
agitated.JUNIOR.AVhat can be said about the Juniors? Certainly7 little can be said unfavorable to thisclass. Can anything be said favorable? ...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
Arthur L. Smith, closed his auto repair shop during the flood and volunteered himself and his boat to rescue people trapped by the floo...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
An interview with George Bere who was age 33 at the time of the 1937 Ohio River Flood. At the time he worked at his brothers&...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
THE NORMAL ADVANCE243130%. The sales at Jeffersonville still remained about three and one-half times the salesat Vincennes, thus shoAving that th...
and consequently their ability will be lessened from contributing largelyfor a short time to the public exigencies.™ Thisdocument expresses the ...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
16 years of age at the time of the flood, Warren Volmer recounts his experiences helping his father, helping the Red Cross deliver coal...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Autobiography of Ruth Tulchinsky. Ms. Tulchinsky recounts her life in Germany and immigration to the United States before World War II, her ...
- . - •THE FOUR QUESTIONSThe Four QuestionsThe previous page shows a family Seder at a Passover festival in which themother is hiding...
Civil Rights and African American History
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922