Search Results - (( a three boys o...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,206 results
Search Results - (( a three boys o...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,206 results
A selection of commercial sheet music featuring Irving Berlin as either composer or lyricist. This part features 375 titles dating from 1907 ...
Indiana State University Library
A selection of commercial sheet music featuring Irving Berlin as either composer or lyricist. This part features 375 titles dating from 1907 ...
Indiana State University Library
This painting depicts children playing outside of a school during their recess on a winter day. The schoolhouse in the left upper half ...
Evelyn Lehman Culp Heritage Collection
THE Bloomington High School Athletic Department furnished one of the most complete athletic programs eATergiven by a high school to its students&...
Bloomington High School
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Drills and fundamentaThe second street playground was turned into apractice football field for the JUNIOR HIGHFOOTBALL TEAM during the regular footbal...
Bloomington High School
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ATHLETICSSMITHVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS 1938-’39When the one great scorer comes to write against yourname, he writes not that you lost or...
Smithville High School
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THE NORMAL ADVANCE119What then should the Y. M. C. A. as an organization, have to do with this problem?Every man that has lived ha...
Indiana State University Archives
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Right: Kicking a ball,freshman ChristopherDunigan practices hisfollow through. Mostsoccer players run sevenmiles per each game.Sophomores Yonhee Hanand Jessica&...
Bloomington High School South
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S3. 1ST. S3.FRANK RAWDON HIGGINS.Professor Higgins graduated from Acadia University in 1891 and was appointed teacher of Scienceand Mathematics in the...
Indiana State University Archives
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niaa MiaM iiii>iiiliiiiilii\^->The Male Quartet, a new group organized this year atB.H.S., performed at special programs. The purpose of th...
Bloomington High School
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Teams win in 1984 despite weatherThe reserve and freshman baseballteams had winning seasons. The reservesquad went 7-5, while the freshmen went4-1-1.A...
Bloomington High School South
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MOSER, CaptainSHOULTYA Review of the SeasonWhen the basketball season opened, the hopes for a winning team lookeddark. The team was small and...
Bloomington High School
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GLEN JOHNSONCOACHWormy made his debut into our coaching fieldthis year and v/as everything that followers of thePurple and White expected him...
Bloomington High School
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CLIOCRAT CLUBSponsor PresidentVice-presidentSecretary-Treasurer . Miss Harriet Stull Betsy CaughPaula Bollenbacher Katie Cookson. .“Our Government is one of l...
University High School
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SENIORS 1945The seventh grade began our junior high world. We were divided into twohome rooms, which offered much competition in intramurals. Eve...
University High School
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1921GOTHICB. H. S.Top--Mr. McCaughan, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Bradt, Paul Griffith, Lane Wells, Harlan Logan, Ralph McClintock, E. Arlo Byrum.Bottom--Francis Gerh...
Bloomington High School
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Fad-conscious Univees adoptPizza, Tyrolean hats, Pick a fad,any fad, and you’ll find it in ’59 at U-School.A new food fad for U-Sch...
University High School
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Senior and captain Jesse Latham-Brown chases the ball down thefield. Latham-Brown was one oftwo captains on the boys soccerteam. He has played...
Bloomington High School North
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One typed page including photograph; biography of Flora Gulick, founder of the Terre Haute Boys and Girls Club.
WABASHP R OFIAi hometown h heroes who h difference. A series of ttributes tto h f ib t t h have made a diff dVALLEYL E S...
Vigo County Historical Society
18The FlashBOY SCOUTSAmong our organizations we are glad to number Ellettsville Troop Number One of the White RiverArea Council Boy Scouts of...
Ellettsville High School
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