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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1984, Page 121

Description: Teams win in 1984 despite weatherThe reserve and freshman baseballteams had winning seasons. The reservesquad went 7-5, while the freshmen went4-1-1.After a three-game losing streak at thebeginning of the season, BloomingtonSouths reserve Panthers came back tofinish 7-5.The first three games were lostbecause of physical and mental errors,according to Coach Rex Fletcher. Onegame was lost because of a record keeping error, giving Martinsville an extra runwhich, in the end, won the game for theArtesians.The freshman baseball squad went 4-1-1. According to Coach Stan Easton,this was the result of strong defense andgood pitching.The one game the South freshmen lostwas to Martinsville. The game was thefirst of a double-header. Then in the second game, Souths Brendan Smith hit atwo-run homer. Coach Easton said thishome run won the game for the Panthersand helped them pick up after their earlierloss.In addition to this loss, the Pantherstied one game with Bedford-NorthLawrence. Easton said the tie was caused mainly by the rainy weather.Both coaches said their teams haddone well during the 1984 season and,Easton added, had made lots of improvement since early spring.According to Fletcher, a reserve teamswhole purpose is to prepare the playersfor the varsity squad. Four reserve Panthers moved up to the varsity team tofinish the season.Easton said his boys were strongerthan last years boys. Team effort was important, because there were no outstanding individuals; but there were 15 or 16strong players. Defense and pitchingwere the teams strong points; andSouths biggest problem was theweather, according to Easton.TOP LEFT: Freshman Robby Griffith pops one tothe outfield. Could it be a homer?TOP RIGHT: Even though its two against one, afreshman Panther slides to safety.BOTTOM: Reserve member sophomore Greg Lauerscrambles low to get the ball.Reserve/Freshman Baseball 121
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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