Tyndall Armory711 North Pennsylvania Street1927Historic Description: The construction of Tyndall Armory for the Indiana National Guard was an integral ...
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
Tyndall Armory711 North Pennsylvania Street1927Historic Description: The construction of Tyndall Armory for the Indiana National Guard was an integral ...
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
Tyndall Armory711 North Pennsylvania Street1927Historic Description: The construction of Tyndall Armory for the Indiana National Guard was an integral ...
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
This scrapbook holds a collection of photos, correspondence, military documents, postcards, maps, insignia, dog tags and other items related to Adolph...
STUDENT COUNCIL ... Front row: Pat Greenwell, Becky Stapp,Sally Holtzman, Becky Young, Susie Hetherington, Debby Hedrick,Jerry Black, David Grossman, ...
Military Park has a long history, being used as militia training grounds since the time of the first settlers. The land was transferred ...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
Indianapolis Dept. of Parks and Recreation Landscape Architectural Drawings
The strings of white lightsadorning the Courthousewere first illuminated at theCanopy of Lights celebrationon November 27.COURTHOUSEBusinesses decoratedthe fences...
Speaker wants religion in schools; Candidate anticipates slow changes; Eyes on the prize; Napster becoming more popular; 1 in 20 m...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
348 THE NORMAL ADVANCEl.mcj,i*■ I TIE Y. W. C. A. has a sphere to work untouched by any other organization of the■*ɚ...
Winifred Ray.vice.-president
Erma Georg, treasurer, and Minerva Payton, secretary. Faun McKamey hasbeen appointed corresponding secretary
Margaret Gillum, chairman of the Religious Meetings Committee
Rose Rinehart, chairman of Finance Committee
Zelpha Burkett, chairmanof the Social Committee, and Nelle Glover, chairman of the Calling Committee. The othercommittee chairmen have not been appoin...
Military Park has a long history, being used as militia training grounds since the time of the first settlers. The land was transferred ...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
Indianapolis Dept. of Parks and Recreation Landscape Architectural Drawings
SeventyThe GothicAbsent MindedWhen Mr. Shaw, the photographer, was taking the pic-ture of the German Singing Class for the Gothic, he absentmindedly...