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Description: 348 THE NORMAL ADVANCEl.mcj,i*■ I TIE Y. W. C. A. has a sphere to work untouched by any other organization of the■*■ school. Its object is to reach out and touch every girl in school and be of help to herin every way possible.It is the Y. W. girls that meet trains and assist new girls in co-operation with the dean,to find rooms. When the doors open on registration Monday a group of girls wearing Y.W. C. A. badges may be seen working about the deans office or seeing that new girls knowwhat to do next. Their work doesnt end there for in the first few weeks of the term thecalling committee tries to see every new girl as well as some of the old students.On Tuesday afternoon in the association rooms, meetings are held, which are full of interest and inspiration. They are conducted by members of the faculty, visitors of interest,or prominent social workers of the city. All girls are welcome, and the Y. W. girls endeavorto make them know that they are interested in having them attend regularly.The membership this winter has been very good. The Cabinet girls have worked untiringly, together with many other loyal girls, to build up the association. Membership contests have been an effective means of getting members, and the losing sides entertainmentshave been a source of some good times.Mission classes, which took up the study of Mormonism under the splendid leadershipof Mrs. Schlicher, have been an interesting feature of the years work.A Bible Study Committee have arranged Normal Bible Study Classes in the differentchurches of the city, at which all students were welcome.The social instincts have not been neglected by the Y. W. Once each term in the association room a reception was given. These were attended by nearly all the student body,and were a means of meeting many new people.The Cabinet has been entertained, together with the Y. M. Cabinet at two delightfulparties. Mr. and Mrs. Wisely made them welcome, together with some members of thefaculty, in a royal way. A good time was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Anna Black, whenthe members of both Cabinets forgot their official dignity and pulled taffy. This was alsoeffective in helping the two associations to work in co-operation. Several times the twojoined forces and had some interesting joint meetings.The Y. M. and Y W. have had the pleasure of entertaining Miss Christine Tinling ofLondon, the great scientific temperance worker. Under the auspices of the two associationsshe gave a series of very interesting lectures and chapel talks.During the time of the great disasters caused by tornado and flood, the Y. W. girls helpedin every way they could. They went in groups to the relief stations, and aided the workthere, and collected clothes and distributed them as effectively as they were able.At the mission convention, held in Indianapolis this year, Gladys Rippetoe and Zell Bellrepresented our association. They reported a very interesting and inspiring time.Miss Rippetoe, together with Belle Smith and Winifred Ray, will attend the conferenceat Geneva this summer. No doubt they will have many things of interest to report next fall.The officers for the coming year will be: Gladys Rippetoe, president
Winifred Ray.vice.-president
Erma Georg, treasurer, and Minerva Payton, secretary. Faun McKamey hasbeen appointed corresponding secretary
Margaret Gillum, chairman of the Religious Meetings Committee
Rose Rinehart, chairman of Finance Committee
Zelpha Burkett, chairmanof the Social Committee, and Nelle Glover, chairman of the Calling Committee. The othercommittee chairmen have not been appointed. The association feels that the work next yearis in good hands, and expects to see real, effective work done.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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