Search Results - (( she sits peace...
Showing 1 - 20 of 769 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( she sits peace...
Showing 1 - 20 of 769 results

  • —————————— ‘tutteieesL 4j/x,- ■■■■■ SENIOR CLASS HISTORYAny Senior will tell you&#x...

    Unionville High School
    No subjects listed

  • 44Here we stand todayValerie Rihm is a very determinedperson. She was born eighteen years agoand has worked over half of this time inan ...

    Edgewood High School
    No subjects listed

  • 332THE NORMAL ADVANCEA Midsummer Nights Dream(A Tragedy)Cast of Characters: President Parsons andthe Faculty.Scene: Faculty Room.President Parsons—B...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • .M?--jlccording to Norths curricu-I lum guide, Symphonic Bandis only for grades 10 through12, but the band classes_ hold try-outs for underclassm...

    Bloomington High School North
    No subjects listed

  • Gary LawsonMathChristy LeeHome Ec.King of the Class. In senior English JasonPayton is Creon the king in the Shakespeare play, Antigone, while Rae...

    Edgewood High School
    No subjects listed

  • TWp WEEKS IN* ynthesisa growing collection of photosSophomore Sabrina Adamsprepares her plate at theAmerican Legion Breakfasthosted by Dance Marathonon...

    Bloomington High School South
    No subjects listed

  • Local Band: SiddiusBy: Allie BierhausFall Out was too much like Fall-Out Boy, and Chat noir didnt seem to suit the rockmetal band. ...

    Bloomington High School South
    No subjects listed

  • :;■■! .■-n ^ir,:SENIOR CLASS HISTORYIn September of 1948 Mrs. Leot McNeely and Mrs. Opha Kinser crossed theirfingers an...

    Ellettsville High School
    No subjects listed

  • One typed page including photograph; biography of Wally Jakowczyk, athlete. Other individuals mentioned include Ray Brubaker, Barbara J. Brown, John&#...

    ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown people and events that have shaped our history.Wally JakowczykNearly ...

    Vigo County Historical Society

  • 28THE NORMAL ADVANCE.Athletics.Although we were handicapped on account theinexperience of our players, we have developed ateam which is now able to&#x...

    Illinois Normal, 0.BASKET BALL.Plans are being made for a busy Basket Ballseason, and immediately after Thanksgiving daythe class basket ball games&#x...

    meanwhile the different class teams will be getting into shape.Mr. Alfred Henry and Miss Forest Cunningham, managers of the regular school teams,...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • ALL IT TAKES IS A MOMENT. One small expanse of time, in which everything aligns - the chaoticscrambling of 24 high-schoolers subsides, exper...

    Bloomington High School South
    No subjects listed

  • Don Blottie PresidentColleen Allen -------------- SecretaryMiss Rector ---- _.. Gothic AdvisorMrs. Krueger -..- Senior SponsorVirginia Marxson ---------- Vice P...

    Bloomington High School
    No subjects listed

  • 170THE NOEMAL ADVANCE.clashed with the Faculty when I tried to reach forward in the course and fumed when I had to acceptthe required w...

    was inat all the class scraps going

    wrote for the paper

    performed various stunts in society

    and did as little actual school work as possible. I made twelvestraight P minuses

    went home in June and organized a base ball team

    made myself captain andgeneral manager, and had a lot of fun during thesummer. I kept a country school during the nextwinter and came b...

    cut out athletics

    lectured me back into the narrow way

    and Ibuckled down to business with the Girl and a breakfast table looming up on the horizon. The nextyear found me a Senior with a...

    carrieda pike in the class play

    received by certificate ofgraduation

    accepted a forty-dollar job and wentto work. Next year I fell into a pretty good place,this year a better one, and the sailing promises...

    neither do educatedteachers lack positions at good salaries. The profession is not crowded except at the bottom, andthat is true of all line...

    and ifthat does not bespeak soul affinity, pray tell mewhat does ? It was rapturous to sit apart with the

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • Junior Eric Anderson practices the tromboneduring class. Anderson has been playing thetrombone for more than five years. He hasbeen a member of&#...

    Bloomington High School North
    No subjects listed

  • A magazine dedicated to sharing the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.

    Celebrating 100 years elebratingCelebrate the 100th anniversary of the Church of the Immaculate Conception with the Sisters of Providence. A year ...

    Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCE.31Ernest Johnson, the Freshman who made onepoint for the I. S. N. at the State Field lastspring, is teaching this year&#x...

    —I getmy lessons by means of my faithful companion.H. H. Maurer, is teaching at Hutton. Hewas visiting Normal friends recently.Ben Johnson,...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • WHATTIMEI$IT>Students juggle different activities other than schoolFeeling timesift through onesfingers like sandin an hourglass,one wonderswhere to go next,...

    Bloomington High School South
    No subjects listed

  • Tweet!Health and P.E. are valuable experiences for studentsThe whistle blows. Traveling,yells the T.A., who is serving as thereferee for a girls&...

    Bloomington High School South
    No subjects listed

  • 1ADrama students find successMary Seffrin wonders about herstage directions, while Laura Burnsconcentrates on not missing herThe 1991-92 South dramaclub, d...

    Bloomington High School South
    No subjects listed

  • M#Gettindown oldschoo]stylets a Celebration!By Caitie Adams and Bailey AnsteadAs the end of the year approached, more andmore celebrations took&#...

    Bloomington High School South
    No subjects listed