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1ADrama students find successMary Seffrin wonders about herstage directions, while Laura Burnsconcentrates on not missing herThe 1991-92 South dramaclub, directed by Mary Forester, was very successfullast year. The group consisted of 50 to 60 members whospent their time developingperforming and acting skills.The main goal of the dramaclub was to perform plays.Two plays were presentedlast year: one set of student-directed plays, and theWoody Allen play Dont Drinkthe Water.Dont Drink the Water wasa hit, according to dramaclub member Andrew Reyes.Everybody did a fantasticjob, even those who did nothave a speaking part, saidReyes. Everybody put a lotof spirit and energy into it,which is what drama is reallyabout. The club played to afull house during every performance of Dont Drink theWater. They were given favorable reviews in the Herald-Times and the International Opera Review.Theater South and the drama club allowed students toact out their feelings or showother sides of their personalities, said Jason Richardson. Drama is a class whichinspires people to be themselves, Richardson said.ACTIVITIES / 61 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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