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Showing 1 - 20 of 482 results
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Showing 1 - 20 of 482 results
Bti*•It 11176Sara’s Friend, Crescent(1k iOne day when I was about 2 my cat, Taffy, •was chasing a mole around the yard....
Harmony School
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judj/ blumeApril 6, 2000Dear Friends at Harmony School,Here’s how I spent today, Thursday, April 6, 2000 in Key West, Florida.7:20 -&...
Harmony School
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Soccer ChallengeWon by DogOn the 27th of April, many people witnessed a soccer game likeno other. It was a game with team effort &&...
Harmony School
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Miss Carithers—Now class, today you are tobegin writing in your journal. You may writeon something you saw on your way to school.Morris...
Bloomington High School
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36The FlashAllen Funeral HomeAn Institution With Ideal ServiceFREE AMBULANCE SERVICE(I REVERANCE SERVICE SATISFACTIONW. W. ALLEN212 South Walnut StreetBloomingt...
Ellettsville High School
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MONA MABEL, SMITH.ChorusStaffHistory ClubSenate.It doesnt matter wheth-er anyone else laughs ornot, Mona just howls atMiss Souparts sallies. Dis-played all ...
Bloomington High School
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I glide along for a considerable distance and then land on top of a haystack. It feelsnice to rest for awhile. From here I have...
Unionville High School
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The B BAND, first created four years ago, is thesecond band at B.H.S., and it is composed largely ofjunior high school students. This b...
Bloomington High School
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Working togetherRachel Bass checks out customers at Mr. Ds.For many students atSouth, part-time jobs werea way of life. They were apart of g...
Bloomington High School South
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4For a few aspiring authors, the month of November became the Month of the Novel.It was a Panther Plus unlike any other.For the first...
Bloomington High School South
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Ib} £Phyllis MichaelIce-cream sundaeJan BlackburnCrystals of green sugar—Winking,Blinking,Christmas lights peeking through a drizzle ofChocolate syrup—Brows...
Bloomington High School South
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Mustangs On the Run Throughout the Daybreakfast theya roll on theirMany studentsfew scrape theLast year Edgewood Mustangswere on the run with eve...
Edgewood High School
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michelle lanham danielle croft allison weibelsleeping habits: Usuallystayed up really late-until around3 a.m.job: Noodles and CompanyfOCUS in college:...
Bloomington High School South
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}A Child of the 90s If...At one point, you pulled your shirt up over your head and ran around the housescreaming, I am Cornholio...
Bloomington High School North
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Tomorrows DietKelly DillmanAt one point in just about every girls life, she decides thatshe will enter into that gloriously fun-filled adventure ...
Bloomington High School South
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ImagineKaren JohnsonThe world is one big rat race—trains to catch, deadlines tobe met, appointments to go to. Everyone runs around trying ...
Bloomington High School South
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zzMR. DJ WONT YOU TThe local radio station WFHBhosted a wide variety of shows,but every Saturday night theairwaves would belong to acertain ...
Bloomington High School South
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For some South students, there are many unforeseen advantages oftaking some of the classes or joining clubs offered.iyBecause students are not al...
Bloomington High School South
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Driving SafelyMany students attend parties and drink alcohol,but in order to keep those drinkers from drivingtheir vehicles, people such as junior...
Bloomington High School North
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Showing students how to execute a backside kick, junior Patrick Jessee looks tomake sure everyone is paying attention.Jessee taught Tae-Kwon-Doe at...
Bloomington High School South
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