Experiencing Business! Junior IanLeonard shares ideas about his noteswhile preparing for the district competition. Leonard participated in twoevents. Banki...
With Paul Woelmer, Jason Jolivette, MichealOliphant, Colby Stratten, and Tyler HurtThe most difficult part^PleVRg with yourfailures cause baseballis a ...
Whereto (JOFromHere?North students open their eyesto the future before them.Balancing social life, homework, family tune andextracurricular activities can&...
Interview with Eden Kuhlenschmidt, retired librarian and library volunteer. Kuhlenschmidt discusses how COVID-19 changed her life, especially her activities...
Although the two trimesters of Physical Education are required forBloomington High School South students, the class can still be an excitingenvironmen...
right: Sophomore WesShepard talks about hislacrosse experience whilehanging out at North.below: Wes Shepardmanages to not getscored on by histeammates...
In newspaper, seniorVictoria Ison meets withsenior Sophie Harris andjunior Karima Bourkaryabout a story they wereworking on together.Photo by Maha Elsarrag...