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thebp^iA<$AJ-f©t song-SummerGirls LFOJ-fct group- Limp Bizkit,Kid RockK©i trend-tattoojewelry, tube topsJiot movie -TheBlair WitchProject,American Pie}\hi celebrities-Britney Spears, RickyMartinJ-fot hairstyle -the ^ponytail/bun mess v^Just for LaughsOnce in drivers ed., it was my first timedriving, and I came to a T stop and wassupposed to turn right and instead I drovestraight into someones yard and onto theirsidewalk. -- junior Priya BholaMy cousin and I were on our way to a partywith a friend of ours when he told us that hehad to make a quick stop over at Peppergrassso that he could walk a dog for some peoplehe knew that were on vacation. So as I waswaiting in the car for them, I turned my headand saw my cousin taking off down the streetbuck-naked, dragging the dog by the leash.—senior Adam PriceLauren DemmingMe and my girlfriend were on our way to awedding, we stopped off at her salon becauseshe had an appointment there before thewedding. Her mom was at the salon alreadyand she asked me to start her car so that thecar would be cool when they left. So I wentoutside and turned the car key so that theengine would start only the air conditioner.We ended up staying in the salon for two andhalf-hours, totally forgetting about the car. Aswe got into the car, already late for thewedding, the battery had died! So we had toget some stranger who was leaving the salonat the same time as us to jump the carbattery. We arrived at the wedding just afterthe bride had reached the altar. After thewedding, my girlfriends mom had to get hercar battery jumped after every time sheturned off the car. I think that her mom reallyhates me now.--junior Nathan Turner.Quotes collected by Martha Payneiphomore Katelin FehrenbachDavid Wonderb^mWThe Big QuestionWhy does school startearlier every year?The reason the first day of school seems to move a dayearlier every year is because of the way the days of the weekmove each year. MCCSC Superintendent Dr. John Coomer likesto start late in the week, preferably on a Thursday. Its a littlebit easier for students to rest and regroup. If we need to addstaff or make adjustments in the schedule, it gives us theweekend to do it, Coomer said. Every year the Thursday aroundwhen school starts usually gets moved up a day, for example, itwas on Aug. 20 in 1998 and Aug. 19 in 1999. In the year 2000however the Thursday falls on the 17th, which Coomer saysseems too early. He will have to weigh the options and thenmake a decision on what is best, by Jordan Garner8 Gothic • july /august 1999 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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