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Search Results - (( fire safety tw...
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1Frequent bake sales kept several club treasuries full.Action All Over Univee GroundsDan McCutchen and Lynn Stoia converse with eachother during study...
University High School
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THE ORCHESTRABut music for the time doth change his natureThe man that hath no music in himselfNor is not moved with concord of sweet...
Bloomington High School
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SixtyThe GothicThe DialecticDuring the present school year The Dialectic has en-joyed a steady growth. The membership now numbersabout twenty. Regular ...
Bloomington High School
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CindermenPally 10IIa*ftJack Clark practices vaulting in preparation for the Hoosier Relays, largest indoortrack meet in the world (high school),M...
University High School
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matmen win 10—lose 2take sectional crownThe BHS varsity grapplers finished their seasonwith a 10 win 2 loss record. Coached by Kay Hut-sel...
Bloomington High School
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ATPPETICSAlthough the records of the athletic teams were notsuperior this year, a good crowd was always on hand tocheer the boys on.It seeme...
Bloomington High School
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mm,J ** ^Mfc* wf\ mr ■». r% m■mm} *^8i ^^^ ™ *^B|77?^ L&stf Z)...
Bloomington High School
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Bloomington High School
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Sue Ann Harrell, Margaret Davis, Dotti McConville, Jean Hetherington, Joan HetheringtonYell LeadersRalph Parham, Gerald May, Phillip PateThis is the club...
Bloomington High School
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WESTMORLANCORDELLNext week end the Alice crew came to the Sahara City to scalp the Panthersand returned with the scalps, to the tune of ...
Bloomington High School
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Our CoachesCoach Glen Johnson successfully completedhis second year as mentor of athletics at Blooming-ton High School. At the start of the seaso...
Bloomington High School
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r?BI-A w ** —^38388838^ **l“9John Stempel, senior, counts the swinging of the cork whileBob Talbot, senior, times it...
University High School
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EDITORIAL STAFFEDITORCharles HomannASSOCIATE EDITORRichard DoyleBUSINESS MANAGERRobert RatchfordEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESUnderclassmen Editor Peggy GrossAssistant UnderclassmenEditor .Imogene...
Bloomington High School
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Well always remember the 5th of November. It wasthen our first but not our worst. This was our first gameof the season.Again basketball ...
Ellettsville High School
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C BANDRow One—Mary Alice Reedy, Caroline Kelly, Pamela Ann Watson, Elaine Hazel, Jenette Kinney, Phillip Ray Deckard, Tommy Hines,Sandra Hays, ...
Bloomington High School
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WANT ADSFor Sale-My book entitled Rules and Regulations ofRoom 9. Price 19c. O. D. Tyner.Wanted-A good, strong man to keep Wilbur Hobbs inor...
Bloomington High School
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LT. COLONEL DONALD L. SIMONLt. Colonel Donald L. Simon, principal of Bloomington High School, was called to active duty inthe Army Air Corps...
Bloomington High School
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FEBRUARYWith February came the close of the basketball season, and the Univees finished withan excellent 13-7 record. However, basketball was not ...
University High School
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COMMUNITY SING CLUBThe Community Sing Club was organized with the purpose of urging morecommunity singing in the school. During the semester they...
University High School
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What is time? The shadow of the dial, the striking of the clock, the running of the sand, dayand night, summer and winter, months,...
Bloomington High School
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