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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1936, Page 90

Description: ATPPETICSAlthough the records of the athletic teams were notsuperior this year, a good crowd was always on hand tocheer the boys on.It seemed that every time a football game wasscheduled the weather took a turn for the worse. However, many fans braved snow, rain, and cold to give theteam their loyal support.The basketball team, also, always had a large groupof faithful supporters whether at home or away.Wrestling attracted more interest this year than inmany previous years.In the noon basketball league, Illinois, consisting ofCaptain Sparks, Lemon, Robertson, Wallace, and Hays,succeeded in gaining the championship. This team didnot suffer a single defeat during the regular scheduledseason. In curtain-raiser games with the Panther Reserves, the quintet won one game and lost one.As the Gothic went to press, no coach had beenchosen to replace Mr. Phillips, but we assure the newcoach, whoever he may be, that he will have the heartiestco-operation of the entire student body and members ofthe team.— 90 —HHH
Collection: Bloomington High School

Further information on this record can be found at its source.