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Search Results - (( film races nic...
Showing 141 - 160 of 724 results
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
The Lavona Marie Harvey Papers consists of two scrap books that contain newspaper clippings from various sources that depict the students of ...
Indiana State University Archives
116THE NORMAL ADVANCEwoman of today known as the feministic move¬
ment. Caesar is eternally right when he said of
Cassius:Let me ha...
Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o nights
Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look,
He thinks too much
such men are dangerous.Yes, and such women too—to Caesars.Do not confuse this movement with the suf¬
frage movement, wThich is really...
in a thousand huge buildings steam-
driven looms guided by a few hundred thou¬
sands of hands (often those of men) produce...
and we dare no
longer say, proudly, as of old, that we and we
alone clothe our peoples.Our hoes and grindstones passed from us ...
merely see them set before us on the table. Day
by day modern prepared and factory-produced
viands take a larger place in the&...
while among thewealthier classes, so far has domestic change
gone, that men are not unfrequently found la¬
boring in our houses and ...
neither do we demand that the chil¬
dren whom we bear shall again be put exclu¬
sively into our hands to train. This we...
no will of man can recall
them, but this is our demand: We demand that,
in that strange new world that is arising alike
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
A high school senior at the time of the flood, Ruth Susan Nagel Vogang tells of her adventures as she and her sister were separate...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
GLEANINGS FROM TEST PAPERSCooper wrote the Last of theMohammedans. nA partial vacuum is a sweeper thattakes up only part of the dirt.Two nov...
.Paul G: I had to have my dog killed.Jane Kivits: Was he mad?Paul: Well, he wasnt any too wellpleased.Tourist (gazing at ...
like Hell doesnt it?Native: Hoe
these Americans havetravelled,Miss Shontz: I will give you a1c c turc on appcndiai t is to day.Louise G: Geo, but I hate theseorga...
the librarian is supposed to secvou personally for this. The library is set aside for conversation
persons wanting to study should goout on the campus-. Students ereexpected to bee absent wheneverpossible
it makes less work forthe overburdened faculty.
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
ImagineKaren JohnsonThe world is one big rat race—trains to catch, deadlines tobe met, appointments to go to. Everyone runs around trying ...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Edwin Coots, local undertaker and county coroner, was asked to take over as acting mayor during the weeks of the 1937 Ohio River Valley...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Soccer ChallengeWon by DogOn the 27th of April, many people witnessed a soccer game likeno other. It was a game with team effort &&...
Harmony School
No subjects listed
The April/May 1983 issue of TROIS (Three Rivers One In Six), a publication of the Gay/Lesbian Organization (GLO) at Fort ...
Northeast Indiana Diversity Library
Velma Dickerson was a housewife living in Clarksville, Indiana at the time of the 1937 Flood. For a short time the family sheltered at&...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Rev. Franklin Lahr, his wife, and his small son had to leave their home but, they did not leave Jeffersonville, Indiana, during the 193...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Ruth Richardson Frederick was 15 at the time of the flood. She describes her life in Jeffersonville and Port Fulton and the devastation ...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Barbara Keller Miller and her husband operated F. C. [Falls City] Electric Company on Spring Street in Jeffersonville at the time of...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
An interview with Miss Mary Sorg. Miss Sorg was a cashier and life long employee of Citizens Trust Company, a Jeffersonville (Clark Cou...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
An interview with George Bere who was age 33 at the time of the 1937 Ohio River Flood. At the time he worked at his brothers&...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Interview with Flora Clipper, a ninety-nine year old retired teacher and winner of Jeffersonville’s 2020 Freedom and Justice Award. The intervi...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library