»z1^0o>-HfN-JHr^QZii iLUCLZcda?0<u_u1.In an interview with Vogue, Russian professionaltennis player Maria Sharapova criticizes howcompetition amongst wome...
Frosh learn; reserves disappointedThe freshman team, playing sevengames, and the reserve, playing 17games, ended a very tough and disappointing season...
Two talented teamsVolleyball players use abilityAn exceptionally talentedfreshmen squad made theseason memorable for coachJane Gouker. Besides being ateam with&...
Freshman, reserve volleyballteams finish much improvedThis years reserve volleyball teamhad a successful season with eight winsand six losses.According to ...
LettermenRICHARD BUD BROWN,named by eleven of theSouthern Indiana coaches tobe all-conference center, waselected most valuable playerby his teammates. He w...
DoyleJeanChitwoodDealWith victory in their hearts and football on their minds, the Panthers had little difficultyin white-washing the Columbus Bulldogs by&...
Freshmen and reservesimprove during seasonCoaches Julie Kahn and Mobie McCammon seemed somewhat pleased withthis years girls freshman and reservebasketball ...