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Freshmen and reservesimprove during seasonCoaches Julie Kahn and Mobie McCammon seemed somewhat pleased withthis years girls freshman and reservebasketball teams, despite what each considered disappointing seasons.The freshman team this year had arecord of 1-9. Kahn said one problem thefreshmen faced was that the turnout forpractices fluctuated and the team lackedenough discipline and dedication. She feltsome of the problems were the result ofthe teams lack of experience.Despite their downfalls Kahn felt theplayers progressed throughout theseason. She said they learned a lot of thefundamentals and how to play as a team.Although Kahn felt no one player totally dominated the team, she said thestronger players seemed to be ShelliScaggs, Susan Skirvin, StephanieStevenson, Eva Sullivan, and DebbieTaylor.This year the reserves ended with arecord of 2-14. McCammon said thatthroughout the year the team made continual improvement. Despite the factthat much of the team had very littleprevious experience and each game hehad to start at least two freshmen, theplayers surpassed his expectationsbecause of their improvement.McCammon felt his strongest playersthis year were sophomores Linda Ratts,Lara Stebbins, and Stephanie Walker.Unfortunately, Walker, a strong re-bounder and shooter, was out for most ofthe season because of an injury.McCammons outlook for 1984-85seemed optimistic. He felt that with theteam he had, plus the addition of girlsfrom North because of redistricting andwhat is supposed to be a good group ofnew freshmen, the reserves should dopretty well.TOP: Freshman Susan Skirvin jumps to shoot theball.BOTTOM LEFT: GIRLS RESERVE BASKETBALLTEAM. FRONT ROW: Linda Ratts, StephanieZuzzio, Beth Briley, Jill Weiss, Margie Robinson.SECOND ROW: Coach Mobie McCammon, AngieBrown, Shelly Whitlow, Lara Stebbins, Doris Morris,Stephanie Walker.BOTTOM RIGHT: Rising above the competition issophomore Linda Ratts. Ratts also participated insome varsity games. Several freshmen also playedfor the reserves.108 Girls Reserve/Freshman Basketball |
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Bloomington High School South |
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