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Frosh learn; reserves disappointedThe freshman team, playing sevengames, and the reserve, playing 17games, ended a very tough and disappointing season in September.The reserve volleyball team, which waspredominantly sophomores, was alsoopen to freshmen and juniors. Thereserve team had 15 players, four ofwhom moved from freshman to reserve:Gretchen Elkins, Beth Frye, Sue Skirvin,and Eva Sullivan.According to reserve coach JaneGouker, the season was good, improvingconsiderably by the end. The players,however, felt they should have won moregames. According to Gouker, thereserves played closer to potential inpractices than in games; and their attitude and leadership were very good.Suzy Barrett, Rhea Deckard, DebbieOclander, Ki Stafford, and StephanieWalker were the top players on the team,according to Gouker.The reserve team played well, showingstrength in the toughest games; however,the reserves let off during the easiergames. The team ended the season witha 3-14 record, about which neither thecoach nor the players felt good.Finishing the season with a 1-6 record,the freshman players made the transitionfrom middle school to high schoolvolleyball. Coming from a different styleof volleyball in middle school, the playersbecome involved in faster moving games.In high school they try to keep the ballmoving more, which is a big jump forfreshmen.Coach for the freshman team wasKellie Kinser, who was assisted byGouker.The season was pretty good, according to the players and coach, althoughsome of the team did not work up topotential. The players were interested inlearning and playing, though; and thathelped a lot, the coach noted.Gouker felt the teams werent consistent enough this season. Next year shewould like to see the teams play moreconsistently.TOP LEFT: During a reserve game sophomore SuzyBarrett serves the ball, while Sheila Eads and RheaDeckard get ready.TOP RIGHT: Sophomore Lori Litten eyes the ball.BOTTOM: RESERVE VOLLEYBALL TEAM. FRONTROW: Coach Jane Gouker, Lottie Burton,Stephanie Walker, Debbie Oclander, StephanieKiesling. SECOND ROW: Suzy Barrett, Ki Stafford,Lara Stebbins, Rhea Deckard, Sheila Eads, Lori Litten, Linda Ratts.94 Reserve/Freshman Volleyball |
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Bloomington High School South |
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