University High School, Jordannus,1956, Page 53

Description: f1 1/ A®VARSITY AND RESERVE GRIDDERS: First row: Howard English, Bobby Dodds, Harold Pate, TerryThompson, Dick Head, Gene Reese, Kenny Webb, Paul Ellis, and Mike Ross. Second row: Bill Krueger, DickJones, Tom Weir, John McCormick, George Dunn, Bob Wylie, Jerry Smallwood, Charles Leinenweber, andCharles Bowden. Third row: Dennis Carter, Dick Watson, Kenny Sparks, Larry Waters, Dave Rich, DickGilliland, Jack Hilliker, Milo Sampson, Terry Shor, Phil Curry, and Monte Smith. Fourth row: Tom Black,Terry McElhinney, Jay Suer, Steve Ferguson, Jim Swarthout, Jim Dawson, Bill Cox, Dick Walker, DannyLeightman, and manager, Fred Barnhill. Fifth row: Manager Dave Bowen, Teddy Legge, Tom Marshall, BillyVan Keuren, Ronnie Alexander, Russell Spannuth, Don Gross, Bill Brummett, Tom Schuessler, and DaveSmith, manager.Univee Gridders Finishwith 5-4-1 RecordGraduation took its usual toll of the football varsity squad this year, leaving CoachWalter Gray with a building season. Theteam showed much improvement throughout their playing season. The gridders playedprimarily on spirit and desire, because oftheir lightness in weight.The season opened with the Univees hosting Greencastle. With Greencastle, leadingmost of the way, the Univees finally ralliedin the second half, and tied the contest at7-7.The team worked hard and was runningsmoothly when they took Mooresville, 14-0.But the pigskin players went into a slumpfor the next two games. Mitchell downed theUnivees 19-14, and the other loss came fromMartinsville in a one-sided affair, 25-0.The Falcons soon bounced back to geton the winning string again. The teamplayed small, inexperienced Charlton andwon decisively 25-0. Next the Univeestraveled to Harry E. Wood of Indianapolis.The game was close most of the way, butthe Univees came out on top, 13-0.Bedford visited Univee Field for the annual Homecoming game. This was an exciting game for the U-School fans, but theStonecutters won, 12-7.At the end of the season, the gridderselected Howard English and Gene Reese,seniors, as football co-captains.The reserve football team gained a lot ofexperience by playing the “B” teams fromother schools. The reserve team finishedabove .500 per cent with a creditable 4-3record. They topped Mitchell and Bedfordtwice and lost to Martinsville and Greencastle.53
Collection: University High School

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