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Lettermen•RED BARR—A guard, Redpreviously played the sani3position on the reserve team.His experience was a valuable aid to the team thisyear.JESS BRINEGAR—Althoughhe was a small quarterback,Jesss fight and determination carried him through thefoes line for many gains.EARL BROUGH — A hard-fighting guard. He alwayscame through when called on.BUD BROWN—Bud playedexcellent ball as an end,where his height and greatspeed were reliable assets.BOB CHANDLER — Bobslong arms received manypasses to gain needed yardagefor the Panther eleven.BOB DRAKE—Playing bothguard and center, Bob provedhimself reliable and efficientas a lineman.DICK HICKAM — Anotherguard, Dick was especiallyvaluable on defense. Hissmashing tackles sto p p e dmany plays for the enemy.HOSS HILL—Elected mo.stvaluable player by his teammates, Hoss carried the mailfor large gains many times.His smashing drives earnedmany points for the Purples.BILL HOWE—Also a back.Howe was very valuable tothe team. He returned manypunts for large gains.BOB KINSER — Bob cameback to B. H. S. last fall andlanded a berth as guard onthe team where his determined drive and high spiritsmade him a strong point onthe Panther line.DON MOULDEN - Electedcaptain of the 1943 team,Don turned in an excellentperformance at center.JIM PATE—Jim could always be depended on as areserve center, and he wasalways ready when called.RAY PHELPS—Ray was agood passing back, and several of his heaves were takenfor long gains.PETE POOLITSAN—A jun- BILL SUHRHEINRICH — weight are not essential to aior, Pete quarterbacked the Sue was an exceptional good ball player. Captain ofteam last season. His deter- baekfield man. His crashing the 1942 team, he was an in-mined plunge- and brilliant tackles stopped the enemy spiration to the whole squadruns worried the opposing many times in crucial mo- with his dazzling runs andteam continually. ments. brilliant playing.BILL TURK—The only tac- (NOT SHOWN) BOB THOMPSON—A reg-kle to earn his letter, Bill lar starter, Bob aided theaided the entire line with his JIM WALKER—Jimmy prov- team greatly both on offensefight and determination. ed that great height and and defense as an end. |
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Bloomington High School |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.