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LettermenRICHARD BUD BROWN,named by eleven of theSouthern Indiana coaches tobe all-conference center, waselected most valuable playerby his teammates. He wasawarded the B-Mens Dadstrophy.4-___^9f ^CsT fED ZEKE MANIS. when]hot, scored many points onthose long shots. He wasvery essential part of botthe Panther attack and delease.BILL SUE SUHRHEINRICH, was not only a gooddefensive player, but he wasalso very valuable on offense.His unlimited drive and energy made him an outstanding player.TED REED, a consistentstarter, proved himself veryaggressive and hard to stop.Ted played the whole gamewith the same fight and determination with which he began.ERNEST E R N I E M c-GUIRE, Browns understudy,proved himself capable ofholding down the center position when called on.BILL LUM HOWE, although not a starter, could bematched with any man onthe opposing team..__Nl _k_.1 — -r- IHOWARD TRO BRINEGAR, who played brilliantball all season, was rewardedfor his services by his teammates who elected him honorary captain.DON FUZZY FARIS, returning next year with fineexperience, could always bedepended on to boost theteams morale when sent in.TOM T-BONE LLOYD,was another small but reliable netman. He played withunlimited enthusiasm and energy.HOWARD HOUSE, did notsee a great deal of action,but when called on, was acapable player.BOB THOMPSON, (notshown) another all-round ballplayer. Bob has another yearto play for B. H. S.JIM JESS WALKER, (notshown) although the smallestman on the team, played brilliant ball this season. |
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Bloomington High School |
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