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C3o<CO37COoCOCO(T)37oCOcooCOHustlin Hurryin Cougars!!iA 11 of the boys basket-** ball squads had a greatseason. Enthusiasm wasabundant among all the individuals as they workedtogether as a team.Mike Lord, varsitybasketball coach, really enjoys coaching. He said thathe finds it challenging andrewarding.The team had its ups anddowns, but the general feeling was that the level ofplay definitely improvedthroughout the season. Unfortunately, the season wasinterupted by several injuries. The team waswithout Chuck Ham, TimHubbard and RogerShoufler for periods oftime.The basketball team ended its season by winning itsfifth consecutive sectionaltitle. The final game was aclose one that the Cougarspulled out in tripleovertime.Some of the outstandingplayers were Chuck Ham,Steve Cory (otherwiseknown as Mr. Hustle), AlanWalker, Jeff Isom, RogerShoufler, Kip DeWitt, BradCofield, and David Powell.Mr. Skirvin, reservebasketball coach, felt thatthe team worked hardthroughout the season.Several members of theteam, including Nichols,Parks, Fitzgerald, and BrianCory, were able to occasionally contribute to thevarsity play.The boys freshman teamalso had a successful seasonand the outlook for thefuture of Bloomington HighSchool North basketballlooks . |
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Bloomington High School North |
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