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Search Results - (( c price v clar...
Showing 1 - 20 of 867 results
Currently living between London and Spain, Phillips began her career in unit stills and specials photography for film and theatre productions, an...
Herron Library Fine Press and Book Arts Collection
Popular music song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These folios,...
Indiana State University Library
Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law Class Photo
IUPUI Image Collection
IUPUI (Campus)
Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law
Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis
Anderson, Alan Victor
Andresen, Denise
Bachmann, Fred J.
more ...
Baldwin, Jeffrey A.
Barber, Margo
Barnard, Larry Lee
Beard, Cynthia Ann
Borgmann, James Philip
Braun, Christopher K., 1961-
Browning, Betty Moore
Brumbeloe, Nancy Siples
Brumfield, Ray Carlton
Burnell, Sally Lynn
Busch, Kelly Vaughan
Casey, Julia Jo
Cassidy, Ann Marie
Casson, Joan
Chaney, Elaine Marie
Christ, John M. (Attorney)
Christian, Terry Clifton
Cohen, Richelle V.
Daly, John Patrick, Jr.
DAvis, Ronald Dean
Deitch, Shawn Ann
DeMoss, David Allen
DePrez, John Charles, IV
Devine, Lynn Marie
Dixon, R.C.
Donahue, Maureen Clare Denise
Dreyer, Mary Frances
Durham, Timothy S.
Eash, Paul Dean
Eicholtz, Kirk Doyle
Elliott, Bruce Neil
Endris, Lori Kyle
Engleman, Ellen Gayle, 1959-
Evans, Jeffrey A. (Attorney)
Fentress, Chad Allen
Ferrara, David Michael
Flexter, Mark Eiler
Forbes, Randal Scott
Ford, John Charles
Forgey, Joseph Scott
Foye, Joseph Wayne
Fredrick, Paul David
Gaskin, John Robert
Gardner, Martin Jacob
Gaughan, Mary Catherine
Gibson, James Dale
Givan, Elizabeth
Glass, Robert Wade
Goblet, Meg Elizabeth
Gray, Lynnette
Haley, Thomas Richard, III
Hall, Valerie (Attorney)
Harcourt, Barbara Arnold
Harmon, Deetta
Havens, Nancy Gail
Heckard, Susan Elizabeth
Hepler, Lori A.
Hindahl, Phillip Kory
Hinesley, Thomas Charles
Hofer, Steven Ronald
Howden, Michelle Aimee
Huber, Patricia Marie
Hughes, Russell Price
Hull, Robert Martin
Humphress, William Mitchell
Humphrey, Joyce LuAnn
Huntine, Michael Shawn
Hutchinson, Alan D., 1962-
Petrucce, Victoria Susanne
Reindl, Gayle Ann
Ogden, Paul K.
Newman-Worrell, Tess Lee
Douglass, Patricia A.
Johnson, James Darrell
Kane, Jonna M.
Kaplan, Lori Fae
Kapouralos, Mark Alan
Kashani, Hamid Reza
Kaye, Michael John
Keefe, Maureen Teresa
Kempf, Richard Allen
Kenninger, David Edward
Ketterman, Clark Stuart
Kidd, Charles M.
Kincke, Victoria J.
King, Virginia Sue
Knapp, Melanie
Knodle, Cheryl
Leitch, Ryan L.
Sargeant, Diane Rae
Knotts, Barbara Anne
Koch, Kellett Jay
Kozlowski, Daniel Thomas
Kuntarich, David Russell
Ladendorf, Daniel A.
Lee, Kathy Ann
Ludlow, James Forest
Magley, David J.
Mann, Janet Sue
Marcum, Andrea R.
Martin, Duane C.
Massaroni, Kenneth Michael
Mayer, Gerald Warren
McFadin, Beth Ellen
Coleson, Richard Eugene
Cook-Crawford, Barbara
McGaughey, Richard Stone
McIntire, Gerald Lee
McKinley, James Calvin
McMahan, Robert Dean
Meier, Linda Kay Davis
Meyer, W. Christian
Mills, Kathleen Pollock
Mink, Gerald Raymond
Moore, Keith Louis
Moores, Merrill
Morrison, Scott Stuart
Moutos, Lannette Joberg
Nash, Tom
Neal, Jeffery James
Norris, Jeffrey Raymond
Salaymeh, Raja M.
Wolfe, Daniel Henry
OConnor, Ellen Marie
Oslan, Reed Stuart
Overdorf, Scot W.
Overdorf, Tanya Stuart
Palmer, Donna Mayfield
Panszi, Mary Foley
Payne, Mark Allen
Pelton, Holly Lynn
Pett, Curtis Clarence
Plumlee, Millard Percy
Powell, Hoda
Quay-Smith, Nana Marie
Ransberger, Victoria Marie
Reed, Jeffrey M.
Reed, Laura Sue
Rodden, Maureen
Rochlin, Patricia Arlene
Kessler, Susan Diane
Flax, Anita Elise
Walker, Linda
Rogers, Deniece Lynn
Romack, Robert Allen
Roth, Stephanie (Attorney)
Shaw, Teri Lynn
Shields, Juli K.
Shipley, Kent J.
Shisler, Janna Jo.
Shroyer, Lowell Allen
Simpson, Leslie
Smith, Anne Kathleen
Smith, Paul Joseph
Squires, Cheryl
Starkey, Christopher Kenneth
Staton, Jennifer Lee
Stephens, A. Douglas
Stern, Patrick Henry
Stoesz, Tim
Strahl, Dan
Tanner, John Joseph
Thiros, Mark Anthony
Thompson, William Harkins
Tongret, Sidney James
Tuttle, Jodi Len
Uhl, Susan
Utterback, James Elliott
Van Dongen, Carla
Villegas, Linda I.
Vincent, Cynthia Ann
Walker, Rebecca Elizabeth
Wall, Timothy Haskell
Wallsmith, Dirk Emory
Wells, Beth Elaine
White, John Marcus
Wickersham, Jerry L.
Wilder, Marilyn Marie
Winter, Michael Wayne
Wiseman, Tracy Ann
Woods, Judy L.
Yocum, Eric Joseph
Young, Christopher Brent
Young, Michael
Young, Valerie Kent
Young, William Edward
Zeman, Laura Weiss
Zlatos, Elizabeth Ann
Allington, Thomas B., 1942-
Falender, Debra A.
Funk, David A.
Galanti, Paul J.
Garfield, Helen Pope
Greenberg, Harold, 1938-
Harvey, William F., 1932-2016
Karlson, Henry C.
Torke, James W., 1941-
Grove, Jeffrey W.
Frandsen, G. Kent
Bindley, James
Kerr, William A.
Kinney, Eleanor D.
Kreiger, Walter W.
Leonard, David P.
Marsh, William E.
Polston, Ronald W.
Stroud, Kenneth M.
Wilkins, Lawrence P.
less ...
…Prophecy of Seniors…FATES DECREETWENTY years have gone by, quoth Prof. RalphNoyer, principal of the Bloomington High Schooland preparatory school...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
Memorial Day cartoon. Public and a young woman visit a cemetery to place flowers for all our dead of all services in all wars at...
Image Access WideTEK 25
1873 first Memorial Day in Evansville. 1776. 1812. Public. After 50 years I am the old soldier now. 1948. 1898. 1917-1918. 1941-1945. 1861-6...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
Three different photographs have been placed together and photographed to create one slide. The first woman to the left is wearing a striped...
Clark County Visual History
The Week. Fathers Day. Public hides behind the The Week desk to get away from the sun and remarks that it is only the first d...
Image Access WideTEK 25
The Week. Oh Pop. Fathers Day. Just now! The first of summer? 171st day 1943, 194th to come. Cant sleep. Yeah! Thats one ...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
88THE NORMAL ADVANCEtries are killing and burying. In Illinois wehave just converted an old cemetery into aschool yard and now Avhere formerly...
All must be earnest in a world like ours.Not many lives, but only one have we
One, only one.How sacred should that one life be—Day after day filled up with blessed toil,Hour after hour still bringing in new spoi...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
CLASS PROPHECYIt is the summer of 1973, and down the halls of old E.H.S. come the echoing voicesof Mildred Reeves and Alice Pearson as&...
Ellettsville High School
No subjects listed
THE NORMAL ADVANCE359Our greatest glory in this term, however,lies in our complete success in oratorical anddebating lines. On May 21, 1909, our&...
Indiana State University Archives
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A man and a woman look at a map of the area in the South Pacific around the Solomon Islands. The man says that when he h...
Image Access WideTEK 25
To tell the truth--first thing I thought--was that the Japs were back in our SALMON fishing places where they used to spy as they ...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
Speaker to discuss equality : Member of the Little Rock Nine to give lecture at Pruis tonight; A familys fight : Five years...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
BSU Student Newspaper
Covered bridges and assorted facts about the Indiana area.
Image Access WideTEK 25
See and Know Our Tri State Of the few covered bridges left there is one, just over the Vanderburgh-Warrick county line, on the Millersb...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
THE NORMAL ADVANCE115Exchange*A number of exceedingly interesting papershave been received by the exchange department this month, among which are seve...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
THE NORMAL ADVANCE43ITERARALETHENAI.* I VHE regular weekly meetings of the■■• Alethenai have served the triple purpose of establishing ...
Indiana State University Archives
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186THE NORMAL ADVANCEA few things about the Student Work willbe of interest to the members and friends ofour local Association. There are ab...
Indiana State University Archives
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Class Prophecy of Forty-TwoWhats going on at the school, said Principal Lee Addie on a sultry Sunday morning in July.Oh, yes, dear I fo...
Ellettsville High School
No subjects listed
ProphecyO, Muse! arouse thy slumbering fire;Entrust its power to me;That I may place above satireThe Senior prophecy.The wisdom of this ...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
146THE NORMAL ADVAXCETHE ANNUAL.The various classes and organizations areurged to make their arrangements for representation in the Annual at the earl...
what isit? Well, the Equal Suffrage League heldits regular bi-monthly meeting February 8. Atthis meeting the members decided that it wouldbe ...
Indiana State University Archives
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Ma kin MoneyDespite drawbacks, students needtheir summer earnings by Martha PayneAs students walk through the heavydoors of local businesses around to...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed