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186THE NORMAL ADVANCEA few things about the Student Work willbe of interest to the members and friends ofour local Association. There are about 200,-000 men students in institutions of higher learning in North America—in 763 institutionsthere are Y. M. C. Associations, with amembership of over 59,000. Last year 33,000attended Bible classes for two months or more.Since the founding of the Student VolunteerMovement in 1886, more than 2,500 male volunteers have sailed as missionaries, and $107,000has been contributed for missionary work.These few figures certainly show to men inschool the importance of the Y. M. C. A. inschools.We must keep in mind that the figures represent the work of students and show what hasbeen done by the student-body. The figuresshow further that whenever a man, be he aninstructor or student, allies himself with theY. M. C. A. of a school, that he is himself witha great movement. This further proof may begiven, that during the past year 3,000 studentswere led into the Christian life through evangelistic meetings, Bible Study classes, conferences, and individual effort.Our local Association has fifty members. Aneffort will be made to bring up both our membership and the membership of Bible Studyclasses to 100. Will you help us?Y. W. C. A.During the past month the Young WomensChristian Association has been busy in preparation for the opening of the spring term. Pastexperience has proven the necessity of beingready to give assistance to the great number ofwomen students who enter at that time. Thisresponsibility has always been assumed by theAssociation, but more and more each year itsimportance is realized as scores of youngwomen who enter school come to our city forthe first time. Even those who have previouslyattended school need assistance in securingproper rooming and boarding places. Thegreat number of rooming places which areadded to the list during spring and summermust be properly investigated. In this workthe Association assists Miss Erickson. At alltimes young women are welcome to the Association House, 414 North Sixth street, wherethey will be cared for until they can securepermanent places.Definite plans have been laid for all the different lines of work in the Association for thespring term. The active interest of each member is necessary to carry out the plans and makethe work successful.One of the most succesful affairs ever attempted by the Association both socially andfinancially was the Trip Around the World,given Friday evening, March 5. Its success isentirely attributed to the different chapters ofthe Womans League, who very generously contributed their share. The entertainment washeld in the gymnasium. Its uniqueness drew alarge number of people and the spirit of funand relaxation prevailed.Miss Margery Melcher, our State Secretary,will be with us during the opening week ofspring term.SOCIETYALPHA.Miss Mary Phillips entertained the AlphaSorority, February 19, at her home in CollettPark Place. After business was transactedthe evening was spent in making pennants.The guests were: Mrs. Alfred Henrv of Indianapolis, Miss Alice Hatch of St. Louis, andMiss Martina Erickson.On February 23 an old-time Alpha spreadwas given in honor of the birthday of SueJacques. At 5 oclock, the girls, laden withgood things, gathered at the home of Halcie |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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