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Description: 88THE NORMAL ADVANCEtries are killing and burying. In Illinois wehave just converted an old cemetery into aschool yard and now Avhere formerly stood themarble slabs, arises a noble school house. Whatwas once dedicated as a place for the deadhas been rededicated as a place for the living.The Daily Maroon says: The University ofKansas had the first woman cheerleader in theworld at the Kansas-Missouri game last Saturday, when Elizabeth MorroAv assisted in directing the yells of the Crimson and Blue enthusiasts. Miss Morrow made her debut at a womans rally and proved so successful that shewas put on the stage at a big rally Friday toassist the head cheer leader.A Missouri editor has gained twenty-sevennew subscribers to his weekly paper bythreatening to publish the name of the youngman seen Avith his SAveethearts head on hisshoulder if he did not come across Avith his subscription. The tAventy-seven sneaked in andpaid their dollar, Avhile several others have written that they Avould pay the next time theycame to town.—Indiana Daily Student.The Inter-collegiate Bureau of Occupationsorganized in 1911 by eight large eastern colleges for women is seeking to aid women whodesire to enter into fields of endeavor other thanteaching. It collects and makes accessible fullinformation about non-teaching occupationsfor Avomen, and helps positions and applicantsto get together. Women teachers in Americafall into three general classes, those who teachuntil they get married, those who teach becausethey fail to get married, and real teachers.The girls of the 15 class are facing the problem of occupying their time in some way nextyear. A large number of them will eventuallyland in a schoolroom, not because they considerthemselves real teachers, nor because they wishto earn a trousseau, but simply because theyhave not chosen and prepared for a definiteoccupation. The teaching profession usuallygets the drifters.—Indiana Daily Student.Tis not for man to trifle: life is brief,And sin is here.Our age is but the falling of a leaf,A dropping tear.We have no time to sport away the hours
All must be earnest in a world like ours.Not many lives, but only one have we
One, only one.How sacred should that one life be—Day after day filled up with blessed toil,Hour after hour still bringing in new spoil!—Horatius Bonar.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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