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THE NORMAL ADVANCE43ITERARALETHENAI.* I VHE regular weekly meetings of the■■• Alethenai have served the triple purpose of establishing a basis for practical development along the lines of the study of literature, the art of public speaking, and theforming of very pleasant friendships amongthe members.The study of Elsie Venner, by OliverWendell Holmes, is proving quite enjoyableand instructive, and the Current Events callattention to all the important affairs of theday.The entire membership are expecting by cooperation and thorough work, to make thisyear a profitable one, and to uphold the samehigh ideals.Among the new members are the MissesRuth Costlow7, Edith Provines, Blanche Wol-verton and Mary Iva Martin.Miss Ella Heil, a former Alethenai, is againin school and has taken her place among theactive members.The society regrets the departure of MissP^dith Presnol, who left Nov. 12, to teach atNew Castle, Ind.DEB DEUTCHE VEREIN.Der Deutsche Verein met at the regular timeWednesday, October 23. Only the loyal members were present, and a heated discussion tookplace. By the time the meeting adjourned theclubs faults were perfectly clear, its virtuesunearthed, and a definite plan for the termwas made out.On the following Wednesday fifteen imitation Germans withstood the attractions ofthe corn carnival in a vigorous effort to learntheir adopted mother tongue. As is customary, the meeting was opened by the singing of several German songs. Die Wacht amRhein, of course, was not slighted. After aguessing game the members forgot the difficulties of the language in telling how eachearned his first money, and also in describinghis earliest ambition. These dreams variedfrom visions of circus riding (by a presentY. W. C. A. w7orker), to a picture of a littleschool-house all ones own. These entertaining reminiscences were followed by a shortpaper on The Influence of Woman SuffrageToward Civic Improvement.On Wednesday the 6th of November, Mr.Mutterer addressed a large meeting of theclub. In his usual interesting way he describedsome of the cities he visited while in Germany this past summer. From the commercialcity of Hamburg he passed to the famous cityof Luebeck, with its interesting Rathaus,(council hall), still full of dreams of yester- |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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