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Showing 1 - 20 of 473 results
Search Results - (( first save riv...
Showing 1 - 20 of 473 results
Writing from her nieces home in Terre Haute she says that she missed Cog during his leave and was unable to get fabric for Luciuss...
Chapin, Lucius Philander, 1832-1915
Wabash College - Chapin Letters Collection
No subjects listed
The file contains the documents relating to sale of real estate by the heirs of James OBrien. Included in the file is the petition ...
Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Reynolds Sisters --- Arlene and Alice Reynolds were old maids who lived on Central Avenue. It was said that Alices beau was Ross Murchl...
Monroeville Ternet Collection
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Andrew BrownAndrew Brown has rhythm. Although musicentered his life because his mother forced him totake piano lessons in second grade, it turned...
Bloomington High School North
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WHAT HAPPENED TO UNCLE?The Senior play presented March 21, 1^41. The cast ofcharacters were as follows:Bertha Walker--the housekeeper........Mabel...
Unionville High School
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Lora Chasteen expresses her senseof creativity during yearbook.Is Alice Moffatt playing with glueor making her optimist layout?After a long struggle...
Bloomington High School South
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64THE NORMAL ADVANCE.books, papers and pencil a vigorous push acrossthe table, and jumped from his chair. He hesitated a minute, looked about,...
and now that he found it was to be held here hewas very anxious to see the people that attended.When they entered the room, it...
Indiana State University Archives
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In 1894, prominent Jasper businessman John Gramelspacher contracted with local brick mason Anthony Hochgesang to construct a two-story brick bakery bu...
Photographs of Dubois County
36LLAMARADAONE DELIRIOUS NIGHTThe Senior Class of 1938 presented a farce comedy in three acts,Friday, March 25. The title, One Delirious Night, w...
Ellettsville High School
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Top Row: Bruce Hatcher, Wilma Jane Borland, Andrew Wylie, Alma Davis, George Johnson, Betty Batman,Chester Dunlap.Second Row: Thelma Donate Willi...
Bloomington High School
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One typed page describing an incident involving a deer during the march to Tippecanoe by William Henry Harrisons troops.
Indiana State University Library
184THE NOEMAL ADVANCE.F. D. McElroy, through Junior, will be principal of Wilson school, Crawfordsville, the comingyear.Mr. Charles Lewis, 00, and gra...
Indiana State University Archives
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THE NORMAL ADVANCEThe Training School DepartmentJ. O. ENGLEMANAs the training school is an integral part ofthe Normal School, it, too, began the&...
Miss Telulah Robinson, ofgrades five and six
Miss Elizabeth Crawford,English and History in the high school
MissRose Cox, German, and Mr. Engleman, Latin.The latter also has the principalship of theentire training school.During the summer vacation the school...
Indiana State University Archives
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Letter from John Harold Harris (1916-1987) to his wife Alice Clair Honan (1920-1986). Harris served as a U.S. Army cook in th...
June 2, 1944Dear Alice & All,Things are going along about the same. June 21st begins our winder so we are having a bit of rain...
Huntington City-Township Public Library
Top Row: Robert Smith, Robert Johnson, George Norman, James Borland, Guy Burnett, Tom Thorn, EverettBrown, Joseph Nurre, Sheldon Rader, Elizabeth ...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
History ClubThe Local History Club was organized during the sec-ond term of 1911. The officers elected were Wilson Chen-oweth, President; Hannah&...
Bloomington High School
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This is a digitized recording of a dictabelt, which the Indianapolis Fire Department used to record dispatch calls during the 1960s and 1970...
Indianapolis Firefighters Museum
Letter from John Harold Harris (1916-1987) to his wife Alice Clair Honan (1920-1986). Harris served as a U.S. Army cook in th...
June 6, 1944Dear Alice,I’ve spent the morning rereading all the letters I’ve received since I’ve been here. I enjoyed them almost...
Huntington City-Township Public Library
19 Gothic 16NOTE--The Gothic cartoonist was passing the Gym. just in time tosee the great deluge. The above is his conception of the fl...
Bloomington High School
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