The Beat GenerationThe BHSN WinterGuards 20 members startedpracticing their three partshow, the Beat Generation inNovember, and ended in mid-March. The...
54THE NORMAL ADVANCEcolors. Refreshments consisting of sandwiches,pickles, Boston Baked Beans, cranberriesdoughnuts, pumpkin pie, apples, coffee andmilk were served&...
KnowledgeThe Bloomington Southchapter of the Business Professionals of Americabrightened up their schooland community last year.They visited the elderly atHospi...
‘Out of the Frying PanCASTNorman Ruse Dick AndersonMarge BensonTony Denison Kate Ault Alice HartDudley Appelman Diane AbramGeorge Bodell Dottie Cobu...
Team works to win stateWhen the four membersof the Hoosier Super BowlFine Arts team talked aboutLeonardo, Michelangelo,Donatello, and Raphael lastyear,...
THE NORMAL ADVANCE.93The second game was won by the Normals. Theteam work was excellent, excelling by far thatdone by the Business College t...
Crawfordsville, 11.Referee—Clausey of Wabash College.Umpires—Kimmell of State Normal, and Shepherd of Crawfordsville.I. U., at Bloomignton, March 13.M. ...
I. S. N., 9.The following games will be played:M. T. H. S., of Indianapolis, at Terre Haute,February 13.I. II., at Terre Haute, Februar...
The following was reported by the committeeon monograms, and adopted by the general assembly at the Indiana State Normal Athletic Association, Ja...
Orchestra receives recognitionMelodious strains floatedthrough the halls of BHSSlast year. A by-stander in thegym building might haveheard Beethovens FifthSymph...