tHIRTY-SIX GIRLS, KNOWN ASTHE BHS SOUTH POMPETTES,POOLED ENERGY, SKILLS, ANDenthusiasm in support of BHSSathletic teams. Organizing caravansto games, performing...
THE NORMAL ADVANCE,55December 14, by Prof. Stalker. The quartettestill continues to add to the interest of the meetings by their well rendered...
George D.McDill of Omaha, Railroad Secretary International Committee, gave an excellent address on TheAssociation Committee System
Dr. John M.Phipps, now of Indianapolis, the first secretary,sent by the International Committee on the U. S.transports to the Philippine Islands, ...
S. D. Gordon of Cleveland, in Quiet Talkson Power and A. B. Williams, Jr., College Secretary International Committee, in CollegeChristianity.There wer...
2002-2003 Musical Senior SpotlightsKelsey Botne is the daughter of Musomandera and Robert Botne. A multi-faceted musician, shehas spent four years pla...
204THE NORMAL ADVANCESn Snefcritafcle struggleSARA J. KINGFOR several weeks Jane Douglas had pacedthe streets of New York looking for employment. Ever...
sometimes theytold her to come later and they might be ableto give her employment
sometimes, struck byher beauty, her youth and her apparent innocence, they, in lieu of the employment for whichshe asked made suggestions which...
who wouldshower upon her every luxury and eagerlygratify her every desire. She had a thousandtimes pictured herself shopping in a wonderfulelectric...
that she thought you would be justthe kind of a girl she wanted. Mrs. Davishad loved Jane the moment she saw her, and,knowing the ...