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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2003, Page 148

Description: 2002-2003 Musical Senior SpotlightsKelsey Botne is the daughter of Musomandera and Robert Botne. A multi-faceted musician, shehas spent four years playing in the various concert bands on bassoon ans saxophone, four years inthe jazz bands as a saxophonist and vocalist, and three years in the marching band, serving asdrum major her senior year. She was selected for the IBA All-State Band as a sophomore. Herfavorite pieces were Piece of Mind, Paris Sketches, and Barnes Third Symphony. She claims herfavorite moments were spent as a passenger when Ms. Stockhouse was behind the wheel. Sheplans to take voice lessons for a year and then attend the Berklee College of Music in Boston.Matt King is the son of Meredith West and Andrew King. He has played alto saxophone in theNorth jazz bands and jazz combos all four years. He also played in the concert bands for twoyears. Earning honors and awards and awards at jazz festivals throughout his high schoolcareer, he has developed from Keebler to leader of the King Combo. His groups always swingand play with a lot of soul. Matts most memorable music moment: In January I had a prettymajor fall-out with this all-star director. Then, one week later, when we walked into the Comboroom, who should end up being our judge? Oops. Next fall Matt is headed for DePaulUnivresity in Chicago to pursue a degree in jazz studies.Jennifer McGlothlin is the daughter of Donald and Ellen McGlothlin, and hasplayed the double bass for the Bloomington North orchestra for four years.Helping the orchestra earn Division I Ratings in various contests, Jennifersfavorite memory of her years at North is joining the rest of the orchestra on theirtrip to Toronto, Canada. She also enjoyed going to the many Nationalcompetitions with her classmates, and seeing the country in the process.Rachel Purtlebaugh is the daughter of Dorothy Turpin and Curt Purtlebaugh. Overher years of singing in Norths choir, Rachel has won four Level I Ratings in Districtcompetition, and two Level I Ratings in State competition. Out of all the greatmemories from choir, Rachels favorite would have to be the 2003 Cabaret Nightwhen, after singing a solo, she received a standing ovation.Winter Guardby The Creator of Bloomington High School North Bands 2002-2003Time, drive, and passion drove this group of twelve girls and two boys to their firstIndiana High School Color GuardAssociation State Finals on March 15,2003. Placing fourth out of 50 guardsin Class B, they ended their debutseason with success. Their show wascalled All You Need Is Love, withmusic from the movie Moulin Rouge.Wearing red velvet, the group dancedand spun their hearts into audiencesacross the state.148
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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