Leaders of leadersFJThe HI-Y FEDERATION is composed of the officersof the Freshman-Sophomore Hi-Y and the Junior-SeniorHi-Y. The club sponsored a Mile...
Drills and fundamentaThe second street playground was turned into apractice football field for the JUNIOR HIGHFOOTBALL TEAM during the regular footbal...
Ensemble Produces Contest WinnersDuring the fall season, the VarsityBand displayed its talents in musical ability at home football games.Besides football...
OPCANIZATICNSTOP ROW—Russell Faris, Max Coan, Bob Winslow, Raymond Groh, Danny Albright, PaulVisher, Tom Martin, Dale Dobson.SIXTH ROW—Orville Parrott,...
language clubsparticipate intraditional customsSpanish Club members, sampling tacos, playing LatinAmerican games, singing Spanish carols, and shattering a candy-fill...
Student CouncilTo promote harmonious relationships throughout the entire school, to maintain co-operationbetween teachers and students, to act as host tovi...
theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 2, No. 2Branch SuggestionPlan ImprovementNoted by KoegleCHICAGO, ILL.-A marked improvementin both number of suggestionssubmitted and...