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/Varsity Clubs second year is productiveVarsity Club had a productive yearduring its second year.The club, open to anyone havingreceived a varsity letter in one or moresports, was comprised of approximately60 members.Club officers for this year were PaulFarmer, president; Barb Musselman, vicepresident; Lisa Milan, treasurer; and JillRyser, secretary. Sponsor Tom Petrysaid, The whole thrust has been thework of the officers. It is through their efforts that things have been done, proposed, and acted upon.After being elected in May 1982, the1982-83 officers organized the secondannual Final Fling dance. During thesummer the club sponsored two carwashes and drafted a constitution, whichhas established the club and given it apurpose, Musselman said.Varsity Club had two major fundraisers. In addition to several bake sales,the club sponsored a dance after theNorth-South football game. Membersalso sold candy canes before Christmasbreak. Some of the money raised helpedto sponsor a child in Africa.Also organized in the fall was therepresentative council. This group wascomprised of one member from eachsport. This smaller council met to discussissues that did not need the attention ofthe whole club.Club members Jeff Bryan and JoshGreene designed a spirit flag to take theplace of the old rebel flag.In the spring the club combined effortswith the Department of Parks andRecreation. On alternate weekendsmembers took handicapped citizensswimming at the YMCA and bowling.Farmer hopes the club will continue toengage in community service projects.The club should be known in the community as well as by the students ofSouth, he said.Musselman added, This has been agood year for the club because of themany activities weve engaged in. Nextyears club should be even more activethan this years because they will be amore strong and stable group. Overall,the Varsity Club had a good year.TOP: VARSITY CLUB. FRONTROW: Paul Farmer, BarbMusselman, Lisa Milan, Jill Ryser.SECOND ROW: Lana Nonweiler,Lin Churchill, Don Adams, JeffTeague, David Shuster, BobMcDonald. THIRD ROW: BonnieSherman, Anne Chamberlain, LisaLeBlanc, Karen Ratts, Kelly Foster,Kathy Andrews, Becky Bastin,Felicia Lewis. FOURTH ROW: KrisDoba, Todd Easton, Kevin Willsey,Susan Elkins, Beth Doba, LanaElrod, Kristin Brown, Teri Austin,Rie Noda, Steve Olshin. FIFTHROW: Steve Wright, Mike Todd,Scott Clarke, Shelley Minnick,Todd May, Ann Georg, LynnBaker, Susie Schornhorst, JasonBaxendale, Dawn Greer, DanPiercy, Greg Gross. SIXTH ROW:Danny Burton, Mark Davis, DannyHays, Eric Rush, Kent Berglund,Doug Wilson, Lewis Miller, JonShuster, Mike Fierst, WhitneyGates, Randy Viola. SEVENTHROW: Jordy Curts, Greg Eoyang,Chris Goss, Kevin Strange, NurPremo, Jeff Bryan, Stan Smith, JonSteele, Joe Stebbins, TommyWerner, Tom White, Dan Tyte.EIGHTH ROW: Matt Wisen, RexFurr, John Carlson, Bill OMara,John Staggs, Dan Gornall, JeffAchors, Scott Deckard, ScottStephenson, Tony Jackson. NINTHROW: Allen Paurazas, JoeAckerman, Mike Baker, BillyPeterson, Jane Lettelleir, AmyArthur, Harvey Phillips, JohnZiegler, Michelle Carter, KellyHuber.BOTTOM: Officers BarbMusselman, Paul Farmer, and JillRyser exhibit the new spirit flag.Varsity Club 35 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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