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Student CouncilTo promote harmonious relationships throughout the entire school, to maintain co-operationbetween teachers and students, to act as host tovisitors, and to maintain a satisfactory schoolspirit are some of the objectives of the StudentCouncil.The Student Council is an organization whichprovides a forum for student expression throughout the entire school. Two students are electedfrom each of the home rooms to act as representatives to the council. From this group theofficers plus an elected student from each gradelevel make up what is called the Executive Committee of the council. This committee acts as areviewing board and considers important issueswhich are to be presented to the council. Besideshelping with community and national funds suchas Community Chest, Tuberculosis Drive, andthe Red Cross Drive, the Student Council supervises the election of the yell leaders, provideshall monitors for noon period supervision, sponsors many of the after-game dances, providesstudent representation for faculty committees,conducts school clean-up and courtesy drives,conducts the bundle drive for needy people overseas and in the United States, sponsors the election of the homecoming queen, activities of thehomecoming parade, and the crowning of thequeen during halftime ceremonies. The annualWinter Carnival was sponsored for the sixthyear by the council to earn funds for worthwhile school improvements. The climax of a mostprogressive year was the annual all-school dancein the spring of the year.Those students who served on the ExecutiveCommittee this year were Don Rush, president;Mike Kerr, vice-president; Rosanne Zink, recording secretary; Becky Bryant, correspondingsecretary; Charles Miller, treasurer; LibbySchneider, twelfth grade representative; JimmyCarrell, eleventh grade representative; DavidFigg, tenth grade representative; Larry Stevens,ninth grade representative; Joan Abbott, eighthgrade representative; and Dale Rainbolt, seventhgrade representative. Mr. Edward H. Cuddy isthe Student Council adviser.STUDENT COUNCILRow our—Larry Lockridge. Glenda Bruner. Suzanne Graves.Jerry Higgins, Donna Underwood. Evelyn Sansone, DonRush, David Lysher. Mike Kerr. Terresa Thompson. JanetSue Still, Billy Ridge. Xickie Hillerman. Ronnie Calvert,Roger Chandler, Dean Edwards, Ronnie Hackler. Rote two—Dale Rainbolt, Nancy Branum. Judith Ooley. Julie AnnJanes. Judy Reynolds. Johnny East, Walter Farmer. TonyMcMillan, Evelyn Whaley. Marcene Miller, Mary Henry.Betty Livingston, Carolyn Sullivan, Fred Burks. Row three—Max Parks. Kenneth Buckner. Jerry Davis. Robert Boruff.Archie Baxter. Larry Stuckey. Pat Smith. Kathy Rollins.Mary Jane Gilpatrick. Gary Robertson. George Finley. JohnStevens, Marvin Lee Pate. Row four—Stan Wilson. LarryCanada, James McMillan. Jimmie Carrell. Robert Cassidy.Joey Byers. Robert Norman, Jack Beard, Larry Parks, DavidPomeroy, Tom Minnick. David Martin, Nathan Hall. DavidBales, Charlie Miller.This Page Sponsored by FOWLER FOR FUEL—306 W. Kirkwood—Phone 2-260022 |
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Bloomington High School |
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