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Showing 1 - 20 of 457 results
Search Results - (( fire started g...
Showing 1 - 20 of 457 results
THE NORMAL ADVANCE79&tf)IettcsSTATE NORMAL TAKES THE FIRST who was considered to have done his share byTILT OF THE SEASON. making nine p...
Indiana State University Archives
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CALENDAR-CONTINUEDJanuary6 Vacation over. Seniors seem to be affected by the National Guards in moreways than one.8 Jim Goodall and Miss Craig qu...
Ellettsville High School
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WITH the presentation of the Ns byPresident Parsons on March 21 endedthe most successful basket ball season that Indiana State Normal has ev...
Indiana State University Archives
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—•H EdgeworlhSenior Chris McConn takes a hugestride while jumping over thehurdles during a meet. This isMcConns first year on the BHSNtr...
Bloomington High School North
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• The Franklin Central game was big for my team and me. I was going upagainst my brother, and we really showed what we were...
Bloomington High School North
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Ball State prepares for Obama : Campaign office never had tickets to provide to those on waiting list; Soccer star arrested for se...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
BSU Student Newspaper
THE 1COACH MARK WAKEFIELDTHE REVIEW OF THE SEASON<—>It was with a none too cheerful outlook that Coach Wakefield entered uponthe second...
Bloomington High School
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I) Freshman Kaleb Zeunik playing his alto saxophone. 2) Freshman Meredith Scheiwe and sophomore John Maegerlein playing thealto saxophones. 3...
Edgewood High School
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OUR SCHOOL MONTH BY MONTHSEPTEMBERSchool opens. Underclassmen nobly vow tostudy hard this year. Seniors dont.Among the couples who seem to have g...
Bloomington High School
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One typed page including photographs of Patrick and Lee Riley. Lee was a baseball player and Pat is a NBA coach.
ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown people and events that have shaped our history.Lee and Pat Rile...
Vigo County Historical Society
Story by Krissi TarrSide ponytails, off-the-shoulder sweaters, spandex pants, leg warmers, and big hair were seen throughout Bloomington South High Sc...
Bloomington High School South
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One typed page including photograph; biography of Burl Ives, the mightiest ballad singer of this or any other century. Other individuals men...
ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown heroes who have made a difference.Burl Ivesuthor-poet Carl Sandburg ...
Vigo County Historical Society
170THE NOEMAL ADVANCE.clashed with the Faculty when I tried to reach forward in the course and fumed when I had to acceptthe required w...
was inat all the class scraps going
wrote for the paper
performed various stunts in society
and did as little actual school work as possible. I made twelvestraight P minuses
went home in June and organized a base ball team
made myself captain andgeneral manager, and had a lot of fun during thesummer. I kept a country school during the nextwinter and came b...
cut out athletics
lectured me back into the narrow way
and Ibuckled down to business with the Girl and a breakfast table looming up on the horizon. The nextyear found me a Senior with a...
carrieda pike in the class play
received by certificate ofgraduation
accepted a forty-dollar job and wentto work. Next year I fell into a pretty good place,this year a better one, and the sailing promises...
neither do educatedteachers lack positions at good salaries. The profession is not crowded except at the bottom, andthat is true of all line...
and ifthat does not bespeak soul affinity, pray tell mewhat does ? It was rapturous to sit apart with the
Indiana State University Archives
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Autobiography of Ruth Tulchinsky. Ms. Tulchinsky recounts her life in Germany and immigration to the United States before World War II, her ...
- . - •THE FOUR QUESTIONSThe Four QuestionsThe previous page shows a family Seder at a Passover festival in which themother is hiding...
Civil Rights and African American History
THE NORMAL ADVANCE105should greet the actors each night. To thosewho have seen the opening scenes, there is nouse for urging attendance. Those...
Earlham, 21.For the Earlham aggregation Winslow andLogan were the stars, especially the latter, whoplayed the floor in wonderful style. Schenck,Knauth ...
Indiana State University Archives
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123Griffith, Prest. McCammon, V. Prest. Spindler, Yell Master. Miss Smith, Secy.FRESHMAN OFFICERS, WINTER TERM.Miss Yundt, Secy.nigs in the inter-class deb...
C.L. Zechiel, vice president
Harry Dannaker, treasurer
Alma Bundy, secretary, and J. C. MacCam-nion, propagator of yells. The organization has apromising outlook for the term and all hands arejoining&...
Indiana State University Archives
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An employee newsletter
MIRRORVOLUME 3, No. 3 MARCH, 1951Charles City Plant SuesFE For Strike DamagesDUBUQUE, row A-A suit to recover$122,815 in damages resulting...
Business & Industry
74THE NORMAL ADVANCEcause of hostile feeling existing between thestudents of the tAvo schools. But it seems thatthis feeling of antagonism has di...
the otherpoints came by the foul goal route.Normal, notwithstanding the fact that thiswas the first game of the year, put up a splendid ...
Indiana State University Archives
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Your responsibility, your safety : Street renovations are not exactly a quick fix for preventing bicycle, pedestrian accidents; Cardinals earn...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
BSU Student Newspaper
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922