188THE NORMAL ADVANCEITERARALETHENAI. I VHE spring term opened with the new offi-•~ cers in charge. They are as follows:President, Zelpha&...
vice-president, MaeMallott
secretary, Dorothy Bowser
treasurer,Clara Applegate, and parliamentarian, MaeZinck.Plans have been made for some splendidwork, which will include the review of a number of the&...
Morrison takes over Panther nettersWere looking forward to higheraccomplishments in future seasons,stated first-year coach Jack Morrison.The team ended the ...
THE SPORTS REVIEWIntramurals ForBoys ResumedThrough the newly re-inaugurated intramural sports system, the boys ofBloomington High School were given theprivileg...
MMstaying on , /the rightUOLCKMembers of the boys trackand field team explain whytheir favorite event triumphover all others.sophomore Colin Champions...
the road to state...1: Souths student section watchesthe senior night celebration thattook place before the varsity gameagainst Detroit Country Day....
410THE NORMAL ADVANCEOne of our greatest needs among the girlshas been some place to take the young womenduring times of illness. The- cheap...
Cleone. Stubbs, treasurer
Hattie Stirwalt, secretary,and Miss Price, vice-president. Addresses alsowere given by Mrs. W. W. Parsons, Miss Martina Erickson, Miss Coleman, Mrs. R...
instill in the minds andhearts of your charges a love for God, . forcountry and for home. God bless you all.THE GOVERNOR VISITS US\...
THE NORMAL ADVANCE79Gtfje Moment leagueALPHA.THE first regular two weeks party washeld Saturday evening, Novembertwentieth, at the home of the Misses ...