Search Results - (( fire call join...
Showing 201 - 220 of 1,379 results
Search Results - (( fire call join...
Showing 201 - 220 of 1,379 results
• Opening the door to information of the commercial world,our business education instructors teach courses in commercialgeography, everyday business,and&...
Bloomington High School
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People gather on the lawn outside Holcomb Observatory and Planetarium to view the May 10, 1994, annular solar eclipse. Cars and other vehicl...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
People gather on the lawn on the south side of the Holcomb Observatory and Planetarium. Some have telescopes and they are gathered to v...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
Children and other people are gathered on the lawn on the south side of the Holcomb Observatory and Planetarium to view the May 10,...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
Cars are parked along both sides of Lake Road and on Clarendon Road, near both the North Mall and the Holcomb Observatory and Planetari...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
There is an orange construction fence along the west side of the North Mall, where all the grass has been removed. To the east, pe...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
Dr. Harry E. Crull (right), Professor of Mathematics, Head of the Department of Mathematics at Butler University, and the first Director...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
The June 8, 2019 episode of Hoosier History Live, entitled German freethinkers in Indy.
Hoosier History Live
Row I (left to right) :Nathan Abbott, HaroldAynes, Margaret Badger,Lois Beldon, Billy Bruce,Richard Buskirk, Pamela Cagle, Bill Cleveland,Jack Co...
University High School
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People prepare the optical tube assembly, part of the telescope, for installation in the James Irving Holcomb Observatory and Planetarium. Two pe...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
GLEE CLUBSince Mr. McCauleys coming to Bloomington High School,music has been put into the foremost rank of the curriculum andschool activities.The...
Bloomington High School
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COCCBACCCoach Harold F. MumbyFOOTBALL SEASONN round the four letter men, Branam, McDaniel,* ^Wyatt, and Covington, left from the previous season,...
Bloomington High School
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People sit on a bench near the entrance to the James Irving Holcomb Observatory and Planetarium. Stairs lead to the buildings main entrance&...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
I. Junior Taylor Loring photographs a giant beetle. Costa Riea accounts foronly 0.1 percent of the worlds landmass but contains 5% of t...
Bloomington High School South
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142THE NORMAL ADVANCE.was by far the most delightful entertainment tendered the chapter this year. The guests were received in the hotel parlor,&...
andfor the latter, by Elizabeth Beal. After the gamesa dainty two course luncheon was served.Those present were Misses Bader, Webster, Nicholson, ...
Indiana State University Archives
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As viewed from the southwest, a crane is being used to lift sections of the telescope through the dome opening for installation in the&...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
News BitsWhat was your favoritedress-up day during Spirit Week?150 students surveyedPajama Day. 27 /oHawaiian Day. lo/oArmy Day. 16/)Purple&...
Bloomington High School South
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182THE NORMAL ADVANCEname, Grieger, Haggard, Hauck, Racey, Smith,Stahl, Sweeney, Switzer, and Watson, shouldbe well-known by this time in the respectivedis...
Indiana State University Archives
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130THE NORMAL ADVANCEfrom these games than any other games whichcould be staged.Let us hope that these athletic relations maybe continued and tha...
Indiana State University Archives
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Indiana State University Archives
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