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Description: GLEE CLUBSince Mr. McCauleys coming to Bloomington High School,music has been put into the foremost rank of the curriculum andschool activities.The Glee Clubs have grown in quality and numbers, so thatduring the past few years the programs for the year have includedsome very creditable enterprises.The program planned for the year 1924-1925 was more extensive than ever before. The work accomplished during the firstsemester included two convocations and a Christmas carol concert.The features of the second semesters work comprised, first, as the big event, the Gilbert andSullivan opera, The H. M. S. Pinafore, and also other convocations were planned for themiddle part of the spring semester. Another important undertaking of the year was a cantatapresented in the late spring. This illustrated one of the types of music taken up by the GleeClubs. The Glee Club also furnished part of the musical entertainment at commencement exercises, which concluded the years work in music.The members of the Girls Glee Club follow: Ruth Axtell. Catherine Bryant, MadgeChafin, Zelma Clark, Rachel Correll, Mildred Curry, Lucille Day, Margaret Dunn, Oneta Farr,Ellen Finn, Margaret Galland, Ellen Helton, Thelma Hinkle. Katharyn Hoadley, Julia Howard,Juanita Hughes, Isabel Jack, Mary Elizabeth Johnson, Elsa Kuersteiner, Marie May, IreneMoore, Mary Myers, Thelma Scully, Analie Shaw, Betsy Jane Showers, Martha Temples,Louise Townsend, Alma Withers, Marian Wylie, Mary Charlotte Finley, Mary Alice Riley,Anna Belle Chitwood, Mary Louise Chitwood.The members of the Boys Glee Club were: Orville Adams. Vernon Axion, George Brisbane, Ainsley Burkes, Robert Correll. William Costas. Ewing Cox. Gaither Eads. John Foley,Emerson Gerhart, Harold Hanna. John Hicks. Charles Holder, Robert Huncilman, WilliamHepley, Kenneth Lanam, George McCartney, Paul Miller, Robert Peterson, Maurice Radcliffe,Francis Regester, Charles Teague, Carl Wampler.Page Seventy-four
Collection: Bloomington High School

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