Search Results - (( fire 173 demin...
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Search Results - (( fire 173 demin...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,819 results
28INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.EXPENSES.Board, including fuel and light, can be had in good families at
$3 to $4 per week, according t...
also a good
general library of over two thousand volumes, to all of which
students have access, without charge.ROGATION OF THE SCHOOL..Terre&...
Indiana State University Archives
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Results of 1940 election. Indiana has Democratic governor, while Republicans control the Legislature and the state officials. Indiana Republican Controlled...
Boehne, John William, 1856-1946; Chandler, Happy, 1898-1991; Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945; Willkie, Wendell L. (Wende...
Image Access WideTEK 25
Indiana State Legislature with Republicans in Control. How about unity? Schricker Democratic Governor. Indiana State Officials Republican. First such ...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
Top left: A car runs a stop sign because the driver could not see the sign; it was too low to be seen over the top&...
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Why--he did not stop. Stop. Honk onk. Parked too close. Set too low. S-T-O-P means STOP not just to slow down. A great many of...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
AnnaNellie York, 14THERE WAS LIGHT in every room of the big southern mansion.All was hurry, hurry, hurry, to have everything just ready.Anna ...
Bloomington High School
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A snowstorm rages across the landscape. Herds of sheep and cattle huddle together, but several animals lie in the snow, apparently dead. A...
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With unabated storms, snow over 40 inches deep and 30 degrees plus below zero weather it is estimated that 2,100,000 cattle and sheep i...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
At the time of the flood, C. Kenneth Meloy was a high school senior and paperboy. During the flood he helped set up tents at ...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
The Weatherman is hurrying Spring, wanting her to get in the train on one side, then exit on the other side and pretend she just...
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This is the one she was due to arrive on, the Vernal Equinox special March 21 at 2:30. Hurry hop up and cross over and o...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
A cartoon about Knechts vacation to Europe. He has drawn various aspects of a train that they rode: the seats, the windows, the tr...
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Large windows, easy to lower and raise. All work too. Knob set in glass. Best to consult person sitting next to window before lowering....
Karl K. Knecht Collection
The Normal Advance.Vol. VIII.TERRE HAUTE, IND., NOVEMBER, 1902.No. 2First Years WorK of American Teachers ii\ the Philippines.The first lesson that...
over eachdivision was placed a superintendent. It has beenfound necessary to have deputy division superintendents in order that the schools may b...
those who do not
Indiana State University Archives
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Letter to Eugene V. Debs, 12/20/1920. Assures Eugene V. Debs that the love he receives from all over the country is equal to ...
Eugene V. Debs Correspondence
Letter from Eugene V. Debs, 7/1/1915. Tells OHare that he will have to quit the NATIONAL RIP-SAW because he cannot stand the way...
Eugene V. Debs Correspondence
battle of theBRANDSWith countless brands of soccercleats, the debate of which isbest continues below with asurvey of the girls soccer team.aCDCDECD4oC...
Bloomington High School South
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An interview with Albert Helzer. Earl Nelson interviewed and recorded the retired banker. At the time of the 1937 Flood, he was a telle...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Well known post master James F. Martin and various Santa Claus trivia.
Martin, James F.
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See Know Our TriState Santa Claus, Ind. a nice jaunt to take the children in Until 7 years ago Santa Claus was spelled as one ...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
A collage of random drawings that Knecht took from his European vacation. The cartoon points out things that are different compared to Ameri...
Knecht, Karl Kae, 1883-1972
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Small railroad cars - two of their small French autos to one flat car. Auto carries on road have them stacked on end. Sure some...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
IIPeden Farm volunteer Holly Hays shared herexperience tAnyone who was part of a MonroeCounty Community SchoolCorporation as a kindergarteneror first ...
Bloomington High School South
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Cougars Sparkle on Diamond1. Graduate Joe Wright slams a long one.2. Senior Dean Bushey asks Where did itgo?3. North Coach Ron Crowe an...
Bloomington High School North
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The wife of a city council member, Catherine Richardson describes the tense hours leading up to the Ohio River flooding the city of Jef...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
After The Prom Is Over. . .As the students of BloomingtonNorth left the dance floor at twelvea.m. on April 21, 1979, it seemedas if...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
THE NORMAL ADVANCE135pietiesHip ! Hip! Hooray!We beat Poly!But thats beginning at the climax and goingboth ways. In the beginning, God&...
Hegarty, 10.The game was played on both sides in themost sportsman-like manner and none of theold bitterness was displayed on either side by...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed