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THE NORMAL ADVANCE135pietiesHip ! Hip! Hooray!We beat Poly!But thats beginning at the climax and goingboth ways. In the beginning, God so createdthe world that old I. S. N. must win all the1914-15 B. B. games, but the one lost to Wabash January 12 and since that was playedover there and since Schenckie had a very,very lame ankle, and since were going to turnthe score around when they come over here,and since it was only 28 to 12, anyhow, wewont say any more about that game. It isjust a little dark spot, trying to look as largeas possible in comparison to the long string ofvictories to our credit. We certainly provedthat we could come back again for on the nextFriday night (Jan. 15) we handed Earlhamthe short end of a 27-21 score. The game wasfast and at times rough, but some mighty goodbasket ball was played. But, Oh, there wasntany of them that could hold the floor withthat Poly game! And there werent verymany floors that would have held Old Normaleither after the game was over. Why, onewho didnt know would have thought it to besome old-time revival meeting. But I suppose some of you want to hear the particulars.Well right off the reel, things looked prettyblue for us, because those Poly boys put oneor two in the basket just to show us that theycould. But at the end of the first half, thescore was 13 to 10 in favor of Normal, but thisjust indicates how close it was all through.First Normal ahead, then Poly and this keptthe fans on edge all the while. And it wasjust as close in the second half and more thanone fan went home hoarse. When the finaltime of regular play was called Normal wasahead by one point, the score being 24 to 23,and the Normal supporters flocked out on thefloor to celebrate. However, the referee finallymade it understood that a foul had beencalled on Royer, and when Hegarty dropped itin the basket, he tied the score, making it necessary to play five more minutes. Then thingslooked blue for Normal. Poly forgedahead, but Schenckie dropped in a prettyone from the middle of the floor at the psychological moment, again tying the score, 27 to 27.In the second five minutes, Normal led outsafely and it ended with a final score of 35to 30. All that remains is to do it over againnext time. The men, position and field goals:Schenck, 3 F Brown, 3Knauth, 6 F Barret, 4Stiffler, 3 C Hegarty, 1Wann, 2 G Carter, 1Royer G Kingery, 1Foul goals—Knauth, 7 Hegarty, 10.The game was played on both sides in themost sportsman-like manner and none of theold bitterness was displayed on either side byplayers nor spectators. Poly put up a classyarticle of basket ball and their team work faroutclassed that of Normal. But we won.Nor have we yet stopped. On Jan. 29,Franklin went home with the short end of a19 to 10 score. This game was perhaps theroughest played. Hap Wann and RuntRoyer alone escaping injury. For the pasttwo weeks, the team has enjoyed a rest. OnFeb. 12 they go to Richmond to stage a boutwith Earlham and after that a southern trip.They have yet to play Wabash, Butler and thereturn game with Rose at home. But with thelaurels already gained we have a mighty goodchance for the secondary state championshipand heres hoping! |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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