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Showing 41 - 60 of 1,056 results
Search Results - (( were had its a...
Showing 41 - 60 of 1,056 results
The February 2005 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of t...
Northeast Indiana Diversity Library
WHAT A PIN CAN DO-ContinuedJoe could do nothing but stare into space and think. If Bettywent, she would soon be entering some kind of...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
Interview with Ronald Ellis, a member of the Jeffersonville (Ind.) City Council and pastor of DePauw Memorial United Methodist Church, New...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Interview with Reverend Karen Barth, pastor of St. Luke’s United Church of Christ, Jeffersonville, Ind. The interview was conducted by Eden...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
I glide along for a considerable distance and then land on top of a haystack. It feelsnice to rest for awhile. From here I have...
Unionville High School
No subjects listed
THE NORMAL ADVANCE.33settled, when Miss Osenberg said that she wassure that it was her chair for she had held thechair many times, while...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
Drawing of the Samuel Merry Home at Sixth and Locust Streets by Juliet A. Peddle, Terre Haute Artist and Architect.
Samuel Merry Home at Sixth and Locust Streets. Drawing by Juliet A. Peddle, Terre Haute Artist and Architect.The Samuel Merry House stands o...
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Logan Library
5/lire and (BsmUl QtlHTeacher: Pupils, there will be only a half day of schoolthis morning.Students: Hurray ! ! ! Whoope...
Ellettsville High School
No subjects listed
Girard Vorgang was one of the young men who worked the boats during the 1937 flood. He and his friend rowed supplies into Jeffersonvill...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
NineteenThe GothicPhil Jardine down at Edmonton. He drunk. We rideout together. He tell me he kill homesteader. Riders thinkyou did it. Phil ...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
198THE NORMAL ADVANCEa &ace »ttf) an Snbtan Moman(A TRUE STORY) By ORVA STINEThe west wind came a whispering, a whispering
whenever the blues or loneliness oertook one it
was there that refuge was sought. If the cup¬
boards needed replenishing the ...
in the
summer their boating. Surrounded by beauti¬
ful trees and a river the place was ideal for
rest.Another feature was the out...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
Transcript of an oral history interview with Harold C. Feightner, a long-time newspaper man in Indianapolis, Indiana during World War I, Prohibit...
Indiana State Library Oral History Collection
Oral history
Oral histories
more ...
Politics and government
Indiana--Politics and government
New Deal, 1933-1939
Family life
Huntington (Ind.)
Chicago (Ill.)
Indianapolis (Ind.)
Marion County (Ind.)
Ku Klux Klan (1915- )
Anti-saloon League of America
Jackson, Ed, 1873-1954
Horse Thief Detective Association (Marion County, Ind.)
Stephenson, David Curtis, 1891-1966
McCray, Warren T. (Warren Terry), 1865-1938
Republican Party (Ind.)
Democratic Party (Ind.)
Taggart, Thomas, 1856-1929
Ralston, Samuel M. (Samuel Moffett), 1857-1925
Oberholtzer, Madge, 1896-1925
Indiana Avenue (Indianapolis, Ind.)
Indiana. General Assembly
Goodrich, James P. (James Putnam), 1864-1940
Gates, Ralph F. (Ralph Fesler), 1893-1978
World War, 1914-1918
Leslie, Harry G. (Harry Guyer), 1878-1937
Indiana Farm Bureau
McNutt, Paul V. (Paul Vories), 1891-1955
Jenckes, Virginia Ellis, 1877-1975
less ...
Vhats the most dffcult part of competing in baseball?Colby: The most difficult part is dealing with your failures cause baseball is a...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
rking Hard for the MoneyJobsBy Jessica Arthur and Alex AudretschAt Bloomington High School South lots of students had jobs, but sophomore Whitney...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Hope Diamond, which on all social occasions, nowadorned his person? He had been warned and entreatednot to buy the gem. Two of its ...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
What a Pin can doBY MARIE DOWDEN.As the train sped along, Betty, with one extremely Englishtan foot resting on her suit-case, sat gazing...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
fcfl ^VMA^ ^■fr^B^ maIIjbnew TornBy Meg McGillivray and Allie BierhausAhh, prom, many people look forward to it all through ...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
.pdf with bookmarks corresponding with audio clips
Oral history interview with Sister Norene Wu, 5/14/08 Today is May 14 and this is an interview with Sister Norene Wu. 01 Family...
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
An interview with Albert Helzer. Earl Nelson interviewed and recorded the retired banker. At the time of the 1937 Flood, he was a telle...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library