192THE NORMAL ADVANCECollege Course anfcr ClaresTHE SENIORS.T7AITH and be jabers you cant put anything4- over the Irish or the Seniors either. If...
guards, Edna Bell, Ethel Scott
center, Charmion AVilliams
substitutes, EdnaAVallace, Jesse Singleton.The Senior class met on March 26 and electedthe following officers for the spring term:President, Mr. Fowle...
vice-president, Mr.AVilson
secretary, Miss AVallace
treasurer,Miss Malott.THE JUNIORS.The Juniors during the last month havebeen compartively inactive. It is but the calmthat precedes the storm. AVith t...
216THE NORMAL ADVANCEITERARPHIL OMA THE AN.THE meetings of the Philomatheans havebeen interesting and instructive. At thelast meeting the parliamentary dri...
the special members are Messrs.Buckles, Brumbaugh, Koch, Meyer and Weathers. Mr. Paul will Avithdraw from school May2, and his place as an a...
?.- ss.ARTHUR CUNNINGHAM.Professor Cunningham, Librarian and Professor of Library Science, began work by substituting in theLatin department of the Ri...
1893, Assistant Professor of Reading and Literature
1894, Acting Head, and in 1895,Head of Department of Reading and Literature. Since 1906 he has been Professor of English aridAmerican Literature....
in 1910-1911,at the University of Oxford, and in 1914T915 he was on leave while carrying on some special literarystudies at Chicago.Professor Cur...
Women’s basketball falls to Buffalo; Ball State men’s tennis opens season on road; Immigration decisions await Congress Friday; Stu...
Issue numbers out of sync.; Includes 72 Hours.
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
Charter breaks 2 rules: Imagine MASTer Academy in Fort Wayne placed on probation; Not so fine: Parking Service made more than ...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
THE NORMAL ADVANCE1136>Miss Olive James, 14, who is teaching atMiddletown, was in Terre Haute Saturday,Dec. 19, visiting friends.Miss Mabel Bonsall ...