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Description: 140THE NORMAL ADVANCE.Bertram B. Beasley, S. S. S.,, who taught a verysuccessful term of school at Hymera, Ind., visitedfriends at the Normal April 14 and 15. Bert willattend the Indiana Law School at Indianapolisagain this year.Prof. Turman has decorated the east windows ofthe drawing room with a beautiful design of imitation stained glass. The work is done with water-colors on blotting paper and then covered withparafine. The main figure in the central windowis a pastel and brushes and for each of the twosmaller windows the main figure is a beacon light.T. J. Beecher, 05, has entered Normal afterteaching a very successful school in Owen county.Mr. Beecher will be remembered by many as one ofthe best athletes in school last year. In the inter-class contest he took first place in the standingbroad jump, hammer throw discus throw and shotput, and second in the high hurdle race.The Normal is well represented in Clay countythis year in candidates for the office of countysuperintendent. There are two graduates, J. W.Heath and Martin Goshorn, and one under graduate,—W. E. Akrc. The present superintendent,James Tilley, is a former Normal student,A. H. Ford, 03, closed a very successful term ofschool a few days before the spring term began.He had grades six and seven and mathematics inthe High school at Middlctown.Irvin B. Warner, 03, who completed his workhere at the close of the winter term, is teachingEnglish in the Montpelier High school. Mr. Warner is very much pleased with his work and writesthat if he could only move a part of the I. S. N.—at any rate, an athletic young lady,— to Montpelier, he would enjoy his work thoroughly.The inter-class debate was held in Normal HallMarch 20th. The Sophomores and Juniors wererepresented by Motie Tucker and C. E. Green
theFreshmen and Seniors by Chester Zechiel and Arthur Mayfield. The question was, Resolved, Thatthe divorce laws of the United States should bemore stringent. The Seniors and Freshmen wonby a very close margin. It was noticed that therewas a lack of class spirit throughout the evening—there being no demonstration of any interest during the debate. This was in obeyance to the ordersissued by the faculty some time before and the boyshad agreed to conduct themselves in an ideal manner for at least one evening.Fred Hamilton, the Sophomore athlete, enteredthe Normal April 13, having completed a very successful school at Young America, Ind. Fredsfriends were all glad to welcome him back to theI. S. N.A party consisting of fifteen members from thechoir went to Middlctown, a distance of fifteenmiles, to attend the closing exercises at the schoolwhere Mr. Payne has been teaching. The trip wasmade in carriages and it is needless to say that theenjoyment was unlimited. The party was composed of the following persons: Misses Woody,Benedict, Lockwood, Mitchell, Eastham, Parr, andMessrs. Stopher, Porter, Modesitt, Snyder, Dan-neker, Moreland, Ford, Weathers and Wright.Prof. Gillum, (during discussion of motion inphysics class) :—Miss McDonald, have you everbeen in a moving boat and unaware of the motionof the boat ?Miss McDonald:—Yes.Prof. Gillum:—Why was it?Miss McDonald:-—Because my attention wascentered in the boat.Prof. Gillum:—You didnt state it quite right—you should have said: At one end of the boat. (Aside):—I wonder if the other party was.asmuch absorbed.A. G. Porter, our business manager, recentlymade a very successful trip to Indianapolis in theinterests of The Advance.Miss Georgiana Mayfield, a former Normal student, was married to Mr. Clyde McCarty on Sunday, March 8th. They will make their futurehome in Oklahoma City.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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