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Showing 81 - 100 of 1,120 results
Search Results - (( one two five p...
Showing 81 - 100 of 1,120 results
1 ■:■■!. ;S&B^il^j: fwSSlPffiJ■ V *1^^»*,w HL*. s - ^rnAiJH1 1 1 ■ ■...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
This year we got a lot of new kids in ourschool. We started to have problems within theschool with new kids as well as old. F...
Aurora Alternative High School
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■Habitat Tor rlumanit4Habitat for Humanity gets ready to hand over their Maggie KinkeadLuz Balbuena had tears running down her face...
Bloomington High School North
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Ste-WolLoiS Stephens, secretory nurseBarb Stork, special ed.Martha Street, counselorJulie Stufflebeam, man,.Teresa Tresslar, ram. & ens, Ki.Gwen Upchurch, fmeart...
Bloomington High School South
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One typed page including photograph; biography of Vern McMillan--businessman, sportsman, Terre Haute mayor.
McMillan Vern profile 2/8/06 2:50 PM Page 1WABASHP R OFIA hometown h heroes who h difference. A seriies of ttributes tto h f&...
Vigo County Historical Society
years.This was the first time me or my dad had everpickled. I am proud that I was able to create this.--Fiona MartinWhats Happening at&...
Harmony School
No subjects listed
diversitydayDiversity day gave students an opportunity to showcase their passion for othercultures traditions, and share that passion with other studentsI&...
Bloomington High School South
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0h-zD0Jo¥■ r-y0 <The Rio Olympics was the first Olympics to featuregolf as one of its events since the 1904 St. LouisOlympics. Gol...
Bloomington High School South
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by«rcFinishin StrongGirls cross country finishes one place short of making stateGamer1 Junior Alison VanDerWegewas the only team member tocompete in...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
64THE NORMAL ADVANCE.books, papers and pencil a vigorous push acrossthe table, and jumped from his chair. He hesitated a minute, looked about,...
and now that he found it was to be held here hewas very anxious to see the people that attended.When they entered the room, it...
Indiana State University Archives
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Up the HillGirls cross country team uses youth and desireto place 14th at State finals ~by Andrew RemakCompeting in theconference tournament,fres...
Bloomington High School South
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THE NORMAL ADVANCE243We were there several different daj^s duringthe latter part of March, when the weather wasraw and cold, yet many of...
Indiana State University Archives
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DealindBrittany Wilson has lost threeWffcns *W&S imPortant people in her life. Shespeaks out on her road to find peace.Nikean: Who were&...
Bloomington High School North
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University earns reaccreditation : Report says Ball State needs to work on distance education; University first to offer education license o...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
BSU Student Newspaper
240THE NORMAL ADVANCEers trained for these schools possessed professional attainments and professional spirit, Iwould have at every step of their trai...
thecamera had done its work, and at least onegroup of the poor people of the dump, as theycall themselves, had been photographed as the...
the other, tall, and awkward-
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
Interview with Eden Kuhlenschmidt, retired librarian and library volunteer. Kuhlenschmidt discusses how COVID-19 changed her life, especially her activities...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
The service program for Zoar United Church of Christ from October 16, 1983. It provided the proceedings for that days service, including hym...
Indiana State Library Genealogy Collection
THE NORMAL ADVANCE245play a funeral march, and the guests gaze uponhim. After the guests have looked upon Trimalchio in his glory, and have&...
Indiana State University Archives
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tThe largest class ever graduating from the Ellettsville High School wasassembled on the stage in the high school gymnasium, on the twenty-sevent...
Ellettsville High School
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z<COcL f\ ^—O uj OQ h- CN<< -to = v-< °5< u^ <£ °° UJD 2- <•> ^a: <...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed