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Showing 1 - 20 of 629 results
Search Results - (( mile race ave ...
Showing 1 - 20 of 629 results
Tintype of an unidentified Civil War soldier wearing a Union uniform. He poses with his rifle, most likely a Springfield Model 1861....
Indiana Album
Studio portrait of a gentleman with a last name believed to be Creswell. He is wearing a suit jacket over a shirt with pin-stripes....
Princeton Public Library
Studio photograph of a Civil War veteran sitting in a wicker chair with one hand on his knee and the other resting on the arm ...
Princeton Public Library
A portrait of Nicholas Filbeck during his time in service with the 32nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment in the Civil War. Filbeck falsif...
Vigo County Historical Society
A medal presented to Nicholas Filbeck for his time in service with the 32nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the Civil War. Filbec...
Vigo County Historical Society
This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.
Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection
This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.
Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection
A soldier stands holding a rifle in front of a wire fence with ivy growing on it. Behind the fence is a wooden structure, possibly...
Indiana Album
A soldier stands holding a rifle in front of a wire fence with ivy growing on it. Behind the fence is a wooden structure, possibly...
Indiana Album
Full length studio posed print of a gentleman wearing a three piece suit seated in a chair. A lady wearing a full length skirt and...
Elkhart County Historical Society Collections
Head and shoulder studio posed portrait of a young man identified as Charles Slade. He has a full moustache. He is wearing his Spanish&...
Elkhart County Historical Society Collections
Group portrait of the American War Mothers at their sixth biennial convention, held from September 29th to October 2nd in 1931. They are...
Panoramic Photograph Images
Cased tintype of Michael Wilhite (1826-1893) wearing a musicians shell jacket and posing with his fife. He served as a fifer in th...
Indiana Album
Letter from John Harold Harris (1916-1987) to his wife Alice Clair Honan (1920-1986), his daughter Susan Lou Harris (1943-2008),...
Enclosed is a six pence worth 8¢ I’ve sent a florin—a shilling—this sixpenceA three pence & a penny. Let me know if...
Huntington City-Township Public Library
Articles digitized with the permission of The Star Press archive.
Boulders in Mutual Federal landscape scheme.; Buildings of architectural interest.; Unusual carving.; Trask Post Office, Civil War memento.; ...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
Greene, Richard A. Our Neighborhood Articles
Photograph of James Killmartin, older man noted as Civil War veteran with GAR medal. He wears a heavy suit with vest, bow tie, handkerc...
Princeton Public Library
In Nazi-occupied France, a group of people read a sign posted on a wall which says that all family members of fugitives from German...
Image Access WideTEK 25
Department of France. To all members of families of any fugitives from German military justice accused of terrorism or sabotage: If you ...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
How the business side of an army camp is run. Major Hutchinson is in charge of the Post Exchanges (PXs) which bring civilians ...
Hutchinson, Edward; Porter, Dick; Bernard, Francis R.
Image Access WideTEK 25
Big Business Jobs--The Post Exchanges PXs. Another wars in camps--soldier barbers. Now professional barb3ers in 6-10 chair modern shops. Army or ...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
Bird wears a Union military uniform. He is standing and holds a pistol in his hand. His brimmed hat is sitting on a decorative pos...
600 ppi
This Civil War Military Front collection was funded by LSTA. Noah Bird enlisted as a private in September 1862.
Civil War Military Front
Photograph portrait of James Killmartin. See pictures 93 and 61. He is wearing a dark suit with vest, white shirt and black bow tie....
Princeton Public Library