Search Results - (( line ((makes l...
Showing 181 - 200 of 1,087 results
Search Results - (( line ((makes l...
Showing 181 - 200 of 1,087 results
!v^KMWOULD YOU LIKETO RIDE IU MY...One unchanging factor of life at BHSSwas the sounding of the 8:30 bell. Gettingthere on time wa...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Interview with Diane Stepro, Family and Local History librarian at the Jeffersonville Township Public Library (Jeffersonville, Ind.). The interview...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Scenes of travel from Knechts trip to Paricutin Volcano. A crowd of people stand in line to go into the trains diner car; one ...
Image Access WideTEK 25
Travel here and to Mexico. Hot--sure lady the diner-stove is on the other side of that wall. Two--fine! We been in line 1.5 hours....
Karl K. Knecht Collection
Carroll Rush was one of the Jeffersonville residents who stayed and volunteered as a rescue worker during the 1937 Ohio River Valley Flood.&...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
ImagineKaren JohnsonThe world is one big rat race—trains to catch, deadlines tobe met, appointments to go to. Everyone runs around trying ...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Next I see a woman, a little more than five feet tall, with brown hair and greyeyes, walking down walnut Street in Bloomington. Indiana...
Unionville High School
No subjects listed
Tomorrows DietKelly DillmanAt one point in just about every girls life, she decides thatshe will enter into that gloriously fun-filled adventure ...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
The wife of a city council member, Catherine Richardson describes the tense hours leading up to the Ohio River flooding the city of Jef...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
BEHIND THE SCENESBY HARRIETT RAWLESAt forty-five minutes after six the stars of the evening began to shine withtheir cold-cream and rouge, under&...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
Interview with Larry Basham,
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Dorothy Phillips and her husband lived in a rented home in Jeffersonville at the time of the flood. Instead of leaving, Dorothy signed ...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Story by Trey LockerbieRustling through the hectic crowd, junior Danilo Caceres has trouble finding his locker.There should be some kind of traff...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Velma Dickerson was a housewife living in Clarksville, Indiana at the time of the 1937 Flood. For a short time the family sheltered at&...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
THE GOTHIC 24JOKESDad Poland-—I am going to speak a little on liars today. How many of youhave read the twenty-fifth chapter of thete...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Interview with Jeanne Burke, director of the Clark County Museum of Jeffersonville, Ind., and Clark County historian. The interview was conducted ...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Interview with Janice Leavell, a member of the Jeffersonville (Ind.) NAACP, office administrator at West Broadway Church of Christ in Louisv...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922