Search Results - (( from b home ne...
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Showing 1 - 20 of 1,189 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( from b home ne...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,189 results

  • Building 266 x 249, 1944; Trailer garage frame, 1948; Lumber shed 92 x 266 (K.H. Kettelhut), 1948; Mezz. Floor framing (...

    These cards represent a filing system created by the Indiana Bridge Company that was used to organize clients, commissions, and locations of ...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    Indiana Bridge Company Collection

  • One typed page including photograph; biography of Maurine Powers, Terre Hautes Dainty Little Sunbeam.

    ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown heroes who have made a difference.Maurine PowersPowers made her cine...

    Vigo County Historical Society

  • Camped Near Savannah GA December the 25th 1864Dear sister it is with pleasure that I seat myself this Sabbath? Morning to inform you&#x...

    IHS does not own the original material. This item was loaned for digitization.

    Civil War Materials

  • This is an issue of The Rough-Hewer, a Democratic Party periodical from Albany, New York. This issue includes information about William Henry...


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • [July 1973 Vol II No 6 page 7]JULY, 1973 THE HOOSIER NEWS PAGE 7[photograph]Florences BeatNEWS FROM STORES By Florence SchultzBONNIE&#x...

    Clark County Collections
    No subjects listed

  • ijtstnnj nf tlj?XD1AXA led the central states in establishing free schools to all people. In 1822 the first schoolbuilding in Richland towns...

    Ellettsville High School
    No subjects listed

  • 258THE NORMAL ADVANCELE CEYGJAS.Mrs. Lardner entertained Le Ceygjas at herbeautiful home in Maple avenue, Saturdayafternoon, April 24, from 2 oclock u...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • Front: Script at top of postcard reads, Penn Station, Winona Lake, Ind.Back: Body of message reads, Hello Sis: How you be. I ...

    The square shaped structure on the left was the tunnel where passengers boarding or detraining from trains on the northside track could safe...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards


    1910 director of music, San Jose,Calif.

    lr 1910.Paine, Susie, nr.Pate-Elliott, Mrs. Grace, la 1904, 7004Eberhart Ave., Chicago, 111.

    1904, married to John Sopher Elliott, civil engineer of Chicago, 111

    lr 1904.Patrick, Clara, nr.♦Pearce, Grace, lr 1916. at home, notteaching

    deceased in 1920.Pence, M. Helen, nr.Perce, Elsie C, pa Anderson

    1897-1901teacher of primary grades, Anderson

    1901-1902 attended University of Chicago

    1902-1910 teacher of primary gradesin Anderson

    attended University of Chicago summers of 1910-1912

    1911-1912teacher in junior high school, Anderson

    took a summer vacation in Europe 1911

    1913 completed the Ph. B. degree atUniversity of Chicago

    1913-1925 teacher of English in senior high schol, Anderson

    1925-1926 teacher of English insenior high schol, Miami, Fla.

    1926-1927 spent winter in New York City,did graduate work in Columbia University

    1927-1929 teacher of English, highschool, Anderson.Phillippe, Charles A., pa Bicknell

    1897-1899 superintendent of schools, Bicknell

    1900-1916 engaged in grain business and farming

    elected member ofBicknell school board 1911

    businessmanager of Home Telephone Co.

    1916-1929 manager of grain elevator, telephone plant and two farms, Bicknell.Preston, Leah, nr.♦Rader, William C, ha Hartford City

    1897-1900 principal of township highschool, Yoeman

    1900-1901 principal ofschools, Cross Roads

    1901-1902 lifeinsurance

    1902-1903 taught in Nilestownship, Delaware county

    1903-1906taught seventh and eighth grades, Eaton

    1906-1907 principal of school in Uniontownship

    1907-1916 principal of WestSide School, Hartford City

    deceasedAug. 9, 1922.Rebel, John, nr.Records, Thomas W., pa New Harmony

    1897-1899 teacher of science, highschool, Rising Sun

    1899-1901 studentat Indiana University

    1901-1904 principal of high school, Aurora

    1904-1907teacher of mathematics, high school,Evansville

    1907-1911 superintendent ofschools, Liberty

    1910 attended the summer term, University of Wisconsin

    1911-1912 teaching fellow in physics,Indiana University

    1912-1913 principalof Fairbanks School, Terre Haute

    1913-1918 principal of Garfield High School,Terre Haute

    1918-1923 principal ofschools, Waveland

    1923-1929 superintendent of New Harmony schools.Roberts, Ruth Elizabeth, pa Warren:1897-1908 grade teacher at Rensselaer

    1903-1921 grade teacher at Marion

    1921-1922 spent in California

    1922-1929at home, not teaching

    bought a homein Warren and resided there since 1922.Roby, Ellsworth E., pa Kokomo: 189 7-1898 taught at Tipton

    1898-1899 taughtin Irvington

    1899-1910 county superintendent Howard county

    1910-1913 citysuperintendent at West Lafayette

    1913-1915 director of country school course,Oshkosh Normal, Oshkosh, Wis.

    1916-1916 supervising teacher, Winnebagocounty. Wis., and teacher in OshkoshNormal School, Oshkosh, Wis.

    1918-1929 teaching history, civics and economics in high school at St. Croix Falls,Wis.

    at present junior high school principal, Willard Building, Kokomo.Rouls, Lydia M., nr.Sattei field, John W., la Loogootee

    married to Dove Trueblood, Dec. 17,1906

    deceased Jan. 23, 1908.Mugg-Scudder, Mrs. Rebecca, pa 115South Main St., Oxford, O.

    taught primary work, rural and grades in variouspoints in Indiana from 1890 to 1896,before graduation

    1897-1902 married,at home rearing two daughters

    1902-1903 teacher at Helms rural school,Howard county, 1903-1904 teacher ofEnglish, Latin, music, high school, Mesa,Ariz.

    1904-1905 at home, not teaching

    1915-1917 student, Stanford Junior University, Palo Alto, California

    1917-1919student, Miami University, Oxford, O.

    1919-1920 student, Oxford College forWomen, Oxford, O.

    1920-1923 at home,not teaching, spent three months in 1922traveling in Europe

    1923-1926 studiedart Miami University and Oxford College

    1923-1927 studied art at LaytonSchool of Art at Milwaukee, Wis.

    1927-1929 at home, not teaching, studyingmanual training

    received A. B. degree,Oxford College in 1920.♦Shepherd-McGrew, Mrs. Eleanor


    deceased Oct., 1918.Shields, Harry B., pa 1126 South 17thSt., Terre Haute

    1897-1899 taught atSummit Grove, Vermillion county

    1899-1900 superintendent of schools, Perrys-ville

    1901-1916 abstractor of title,Room 13, Court House, Terre Haute

    1916-1930 not teaching, bookkeeper,Omar Rhodes Insurance and Real EstateCompany, Terre Haute.♦Stocker, Ida F., deceased

    nr.Swain, Charles, pa Clarksville, Tex., RFD4

    taught five years in country schoolsbefore graduation and one year in gradetown school

    1897-1902 principal ofhigh school. New Lisbon

    1902-1903principal of high school, Mooreland

    1903-1906 Jefferson township schools,Sulphur Springs

    1906-1910 taught inhigh school at Sulphur Springs

    1912-1918 farming

    1918-1929 rural mailcarrier, Clarksville, Tex.Swan, Flora, pa 1518 Garfield Place, Indianapolis

    1897-1911 taught history andEnglish, departmental work, Lafayette

    1911-1916 director of practice in history, civics and Latin in the Indianapolis schools

    1927-1929 teacher inShortridge High School, Indianapolis.Tice, Soloman R., la Yorktown Heights,N. Y.

    1899-1900 student at IndianaUniversity

    1901-1906 high school principal, Middletown

    1906-1916 missionary,C. Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico

    1916-1920 taught and did mission work atC. Victoria, Mexico

    1920-1925 attendedBiblical Seminary in New York

    1923-1925 served as pastor in U. B. Church,Jersey City, N. J.

    1925-1928 serving aspastor in Friends Church at YorktownHeights. N. Y.Theibald, Jennie, nr.Van Kirk-Harsh, Mrs. Orpha E., nr.Warvel-Bowman, Mrs. Arietta, n...


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 152THE NORMAL ADVANCEHocal anb &lumm/\ N February 20, Mr. Baxter was suddenly^^ called away and left his classes withoutwarning. Wh...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • Front: Script at top of postcard reads, Lily Pond, Winona Lake, Ind.Back: Winona Lake, Ind. July 16th 09. Body of message reads, D...

    The Student watches over the Lily Pond in Winona Lake, Indiana.Located between the Administration Building and the Auditorium, this small body of...

    Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards

  • 92THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYin Bloomington: 1916-1929 not teaching

    at home in DeKalb, 111.Stalcup, Benjamin, pa 32 Waverly Place,New York City, N. Y.

    twenty-one yearsas teacher of rural, elementary, secondary, college and university, eight ofwhich were in administration and supervision, two in the s...

    Education: CentralNormal College, B. S., 1907, Danville

    Indiana State Teachers College, Diploma1910, Terre Haute

    Indiana University,A. B. 1919

    University of Chicago. A. M.1923, Chicago, 111.

    New York University,Ph. D. 1927. New York City

    1928-1929asst. prof, of educational sociology, Schoolof Education, New York University.Stibbins, Lucile, ha Monroe City

    1910-1912 taught third grade, Muncie

    1912-1914 taught fourth grade, Clinton

    1914-1916 taught fourth grade, Tulsa, Okla.

    1929 teacher of departmental work.Equality, 111.♦Stoner, D. L., ha Ladoga

    1910-1915prin. and supt., Ladoga public schools:1914-1915 graduated with A. M. degreefrom Columbia University, New YorkCity

    deceased April 19, 1915.Strickler, Lulu L., pa Apt. W Colonial,Marion

    1910-1913 taught grades, Kokomo

    1913-1917 dept. grade and juniorhigh school, Marion

    1918-1919 ChesterHigh School, North Manchester

    1920-1927 taught in junior high school atMarion

    1913-1929 critic teacher in connection with Marion College and supervisor of the summer school for teacherstraining.Sumwalt, Dessie, ha Farmland...

    1910-1914teacher of art and primary grades, Roachdale

    1914-1927 teacher of art and grades,at Farmland

    lr 1927.Thomas, Alice M., nr.Tompkins, Edith, nr.Turner, Jesse G., pa Tell City: 1910-1913prin., schools, Fort Branch

    1913-1916supt. of schools, Fort Branch

    1917-1918supt. of schools, Carlisle

    1918-1922prin. of schools, Patoka

    1923-1928 supt.of schools, Rising Sun

    1928-1930 supt.of schools, Tell City.Underwood-Owens, Mrs. Elizabeth, paCorvallis, Ore.

    1904-1906 teacher ofgrades, Paoli

    1906-1907 teacher, IndianaIndustrial School for Girls, Indianapolis

    1907-1910 teacher of grades, McCallaSchool, Bloomington

    1910-1913 teacherin rural training school, Indiana StateTeachers College

    summers of 1911 and1913 in the city training school, IndianaState Teachers College

    1913-1918 notteaching

    at home, homekeeper

    1918-1923 teacher in Central School, Corvallis,Ore.

    1923-1929 prin. of Harding School,Carvollis, Ore.

    attended Oregon StateCollege at Corvallis, Ore.

    winter andspring terms 1914 and in the summer of1918

    attended University of Wisconsin summer of 1922, and at present doingextension work there.Valentine, William R., ha Claypool

    paStar City

    1910-1911 teacher in highschool, Claypool

    1911-1913 prin. of highschool, Claypool

    1913-1916 prin., HeltTownship High School, Vermillion county

    1916-1919 prin. Beaver Dam High School,Kosciusko

    1919-1921 prin. Union Center High School, Huntington county

    1921-1928 prin., high school. Star City.Vinson, Cecil, pa 217 S. 8th St., TerreHaute

    teacher of grades Montrose andHulman schools

    principal Rosemont andFairview schools

    for past six years principal Cruft school

    Terre Haute. AttendedIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute, summer 1928, B. S.Volkers-Brodecker, Mrs. Vivian, paPrinceton: 1911-1913 teacher in publicschoo...

    1914 received A.B. degree from Indiona University

    1914-1922 teacher of Latin and mathematics,high school, Princeton: 1929 residing inPrinceton

    not teaching, homekeeper.Watson, Wilma, nr.Weills, Ruby, A. B., ha 1618 S. 4th St.,Terre Haute

    lr 1924 student, University,Sabourne, France.Wells, Bloomer O., pa French Lick

    1910-1911 science in Martinsville High School

    1911-1915 prin., Montmorenci HighSchool

    1915-1919 supt., French Lickschools

    1920-1929 merchant in FrenchLick.Whitcraft, Inez, ha Wabash

    1910-1915teacher of English and mathematics, Lin-lawn, Wabash county

    1915-1916 student at Indiana University

    1916-1919teacher in Wabash County High School

    1919-1924 teacher in schools, Decatur,111., lr 1924.Wilson, Bertha, ha 131 W. Avenue, 55thSt., Los Angeles, Calif.

    1911-1912 taughtnear Aberdeen, South Dakota

    1912-1913taught fourth and fifth grades LaPorte

    1913-1914 taught fourth grade, Los Angeles, Calif.

    1914 departmental work,school gardening

    nr since 1914

    attendedUniversity of California summers of 1912and 1913, lr 1914.Winkler, W. O., ha Ladoga

    1910-1911teacher of mathematics, Greenfield HighSchool

    1911-1914 prin., Ladoga HighSchool

    1914-1918 lyceum business, manager and entertainer, member of International Lyceum Association

    bookkeeping and auditing of books, a special lineof work

    1918-1919 teacher in highschool, Lebanon

    1919-1921 dean ofSchool of Commerce, Valparaiso

    1921-1924 dean of Business Institute, Detroit, Mich., lr 1924.Wolf, Edna H., A. B., pa 408 W. MainSt., Warsaw

    taught six years in township schools, Prairie township, Kosciuskocounty, before graduation

    1910-1911prin., high school, Manton

    1911-1912prin., high school, Atwood

    1913-1915prin., Atwood

    1915-1921 prin., highschool, Menton

    1921-1925 prin., highschool, Pendleton

    1925-1926 home dutiesdue to illness in family

    1926-1927 teacher of mathematics and home ecenomics,Larwell High School, Larwell

    1928 athome, caring for orphaned niece andnephew.Wolf, Hannah, pa Jacksonville, Fla.

    taught 1901-1907 teacher of districtschools, Knox county, and 1907-1908primary work at Edwardsport, beforegraduation: 1910-1915 teacher of grades,Freelandville...

    1915-1916 teacher of natural science, high school, Freelandville

    1916-1922 teacher of Cochise county,Arizona schools

    1922-1929 teacher ofgrades, also junior high school, English,mathematics, physiology, literature andgeography at Jacksonville, Fla.Wood, Jesse A., nr.Woody-Hughes, M...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • Drawing of the Chauncey Rose Home by Juliet A. Peddle, Terre Haute Architect and Artist.

    Chauncey Rose Home which stood on present site of the Laboratory School. Drawn by Juliet B. Peddle, Terre Haute artist and architect.The hou...

    Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Logan Library