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SCHCCLS1933 CLASS OFFICERSLeft to Right—William Stout, President; Ruth Thompson, Secretary; Robert Bad-ertscher, Vice President; Sarah Snyder, Treas...
Bloomington High School
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12STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.tures on the Sensibilities and the Will, and the Habits of Action
to be established in connection with each class of...
Gymnastics during the course.Third Term (13 weeks.)—Lectures on the Order of Intellec¬
tual Development, and on the Organization...
an examination of the school
studies of the course viewed as products of the various faculties
of the mind
methods of instruction adapted to the Primary
and Intermediate work in the Common and Graded Schools
making out Plans of Lessons, Observation
and Practice in the
Model Schools.ADVANCED COURSE.Students who can pass a satisfactory examination in the
branches required by law to be taug...
Indiana State University Archives
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that are kn With the fourth term is begun the study of Psychol-
comprehr lil...
to the general prin¬
ciples which should control in the management and government
of the school
and to the relation existing between the teacher and
the parent, andbetween superintendent and subordinate teachers.5. During the ninth and last...
Indiana State University Archives
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X. S3. 1ST. S3.COLLEGE COURSE.Slowly, but surely, has the close of another year approached, sending many days of joy, as wellas trial and...
Fred Phillipot, Vice-President Daphne Chunn, Secretary
Napoleon Henson. Treasurer: Charles Dalton and Claude French, Oratorical League
Athletic Captain, Fred Phillipot
Boardof Control, Paul Merchant. This term the class gave a party and a picnic.In the winter term Luther Lockwood was President
Claude French, Vice-President
Daphne Chunn,Secretary
Evelyn Brown, Treasurer
Ernest Michael. Class Artist. The first annual junior dance wasgiven this term.The spring term officers are: President, Claude French: Vice-Presi...
Secretary, Alfred Myers
Treasurer, Luther Lockwood
Editor, Ethel Ray. The plans for the annual reception for the seniors are well under way.During the entire year the junior class has st...
Indiana State University Archives
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THE NORMAL ADVANCE223Miss B. Pearl Ellis, who has been studyingunder the Toedts in New York, this winter,has returned home and has opened a&...
vice leader, MissIris Fish
secretary, Miss Edna Lloyd, treasurer, Miss Nola Williams.The Omega Sorority, together with a number of its friends, was entertained Saturday afternoo...
Vice President, Mr.Watson
Secretary, Miss Paul
Treasurer, Mr.Kamman
Artist, Miss Fair
Editor, Mr. Lanning.The first regular meeting of the term washeld Friday evening, April 16. The next willbe held April 30. All Seniors are...
Indiana State University Archives
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10ANNUAL REGISTER.The student completing the work of these three terms will be
able to teach in the primary departments of the graded scho...
to the general prin¬
ciples which should control in the management and government
of the school
and to the relation existing between the teacher
and the parent, and between superintendent and subordinate
teachers.5. During the ninth and ...
Indiana State University Archives
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INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.scholastic attainments, and in the development and discipline of
their powers of thought. These differences make, it pos...
(a.) Of the study of the school in respect of its purposes, and
the methods by which the teacher seeks to realize these pur...
and to this study one term is devoted.(6.) In the second term the theory of the school is presented
the principles and laws governing the organization are discovered
and stated. Through this study the student is enabled to see
more c...
and (2) practice in teaching in these grades.
Indiana State University Archives
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ANNUAL REGISTER.19their powers of thought. These differences make it pthe strictly
one class to make that preparation for teaching which the Un...
and to this study one term is devoted.(6.) In the second term the theory of the school is presented
the principles and laws governing the organization are discovered
and stated. Through this study the student is enabled to see
more c...
and (2) practice in teaching in these grades.The student completing the work of these three terms will be
able to teach in the...
Indiana State University Archives
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THE NORMAL ADVANCE357Tho Training and High Schools will losetheir superintendent at the close of this schoolyear. Professor James O. Engleman, 01,...
fall, 1908—58
winter, 1909—61
and spring, 1909—92. TheSenior class of the College Course for this yearconsists of seven members.The members of last years class are Mess...
Indiana State University Archives
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In the fall of 1938, seventy one trembling Freshmen entered the portals of the new high school building. Survivingthe struggles of Freshman ...
Smithville High School
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WRESTLINGWRESTLING SEASONThe 1931 wrestling team established the highest record and enjoyedthe most successful season of any of the teams representing ...
Bloomington High School
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4ii.-. iSenior class officers for 1966 are; Linda Thrasher, treasurer; Darlene Cracraft, studentcouncil representative; Sharon Nellinger, secretary;...
Smithville High School
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316 THE NORMAL ADVANCEtKfje eikipfjomore*A T the first meeting last fall, Mr. Glen Houk was elected president, Mr. Lahr vice-4 *■...
Indiana State University Archives
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ADMINISTRATIONClarence LeuckSuperintendentMonroe Co. SchoolsJohn B. JonesTrusteeClear Creek Twp,Ray LampkinsPrincipalSmithville SchoolsFACULTY 1939-40Ruby McClure (1)Music and...
Smithville High School
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In nineteen hundred and twenty Normal Training school had inits first grade about eighteenvery small boys and -iris, some of whichstooa by t...
Sbomor joined our class. Our advisorand leader during these two years was Miss Martha CooleylThe Class enlarged a great deal with the beginn...
, Kerne Economics teacher, ^ddrew as her classthe eighth graders. It a: e under her supervision thatthe Little Theatre Club had its...
Indiana State University Archives
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CALENDAR-CONTINUEDJanuary6 Vacation over. Seniors seem to be affected by the National Guards in moreways than one.8 Jim Goodall and Miss Craig qu...
Ellettsville High School
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SENIOR CLASS HISTORYIn the fall of 37 twenty-six scared brats entered our first year of school withMiss MacMorran as our teacher. They were&...
Stinesville High School
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ANNUAL REGISTER.15The State Normal School, then, undertakes to fulfill the pur¬
pose of its organization by (1) leading the student t...
(2) giving a comprehensive knowledge of mind
the study of the history and science of education, and (4) a sys¬
tem of instruction in methods, and an extended...
and because of their greater maturity
are able to keep pace with these graduates.The third class includes those who have graduated from th...
Indiana State University Archives
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^Ite @<p,timiliSeated Left to Right—Helen Reeves,Editor-in-Chief 1st semester; TommyFarr, editor-in-chief, 2nd semester; Marjorie Royalty, Doris ...
Bloomington High School
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60 ANNUAL CATALOGUE.- During the last four terms, there are occasionally read otherselections from easy Latin authors, such as Cornelius Nepos,Phsedeu...
there is no such thingas mastering the methods of a subject apart from its facts.grammar.In this subject as much attention is given as ...
Indiana State University Archives
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