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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1941, Page 87

Description: ^Ite @<p,timiliSeated Left to Right—Helen Reeves,Editor-in-Chief 1st semester; TommyFarr, editor-in-chief, 2nd semester; Marjorie Royalty, Doris Craig, Anna LeeRogers, Lois Anderson, Marjorie Smith,Retha Maudlin, Florence Routen, andVivian Jones.Standing—Mr. Stradling, Dick Starr, JackFultz, John Wilson, Nancy Welch, Mr.Stubbs, Eunice Pittman, Charles Farr, andLyle Warrick._*LContinually at work behind the scenes in Bloomington High School is the never tiring Optimist staff, striving to present theschool wit a complete and attractive newspaper.At the end of the fall semester, it was decided that the Optimist would no longer be an extra-curricular activity, but that itwould be edited by the advanced journalism class.The Optimist is distributed weekly to the students and teachers of B. H. S.Approximately two cents is taken from the home room fees of each student to help finance the publishing of the Optimist.During the school year, the Optimist sent representatives to the Indiana High School Press Association at Franklin College.The Optimist staff had two social events during the school year, a weiner roast in the fall and a picnic in the spring.talent ClubThe Talent Club, one of the newest clubs in B. H. S., was organized during the school year 1938-39.The club was organized to give students with special abilities an opportunity to develop these abilities. The organization,divided into Junior and Senior sections, has for its sponsor, Mrs. Clark Atkins.During the first two years of the clubs existence special numbers for several programs in the school as well as in the community were presented by its members.There are no dues but each member must maintain satisfactory citizenship, attend meetings regularly and give at least oneperformance during the semester.Talents represented in the clubs are vocal, instrumental, whistling, imitations, recitations, puppets, solo dancing, originalpoems and stories.Officers of the Junior Talent Club: President, June Burks; Vice President, Alma June Livingston; Secretary-Treasurer, GraceDrake.Officers of the Senior Talent Club: President, Jane Allgood; Vice President, Ruby Fiscus; Secretary-Treasurer, Howard House.Row 1—Robert Haydock, Nancy Howe,June Burks, Myrtle Bechtel, Sam Foddrill,Wanda Groves, Sara Criswell; CharlotteMcGlothin; Jerry Moon, Georgia McClure,Ralph McDaniels.Row 2 — Howard Holtsclaw, EstherGraves, Martha Fyffe, Charlotte Bales,Peggy Jo Bartlett, Betty Johnson, JuneBrinegar, Howard House, Pat Benckart,Martha Miller, Carolyn Wood.Row 3—Jesse Burton, Mae Brinegar,Ruby Fiscus, Joyce Gines, Wilma Adams,Betty Nash, Juanita Nikirk, Max Bender,Grace Drake, Manuel Johnson.Row 4—Lee Kinder, Betty Jones, La-Vonna Guest, Betty , BarbaraHacker, Betty Burns, Jimmie Humphries,Mary Frances Honaton, Boyd Sturdevant.Row 5—Ruby McCullough, Anita Norman, Lillian, Morrison, Mary Jane Raper,Charles Nikirk, Donald Neal, Patty Lit-ten.Row 6—Virginia Hollingsworth, LoisBeldon, Jessie Wilson, Natalie Robinson,Forest Trowbridge, Clayton Mooley,Geraldine Owens, Marion Jackson.
Collection: Bloomington High School

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