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Showing 1 - 20 of 1,012 results
Search Results - (( first 5 scene ...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,012 results
One typed page including photograph; brief history of the first gasoline-powered auto in Terre Haute.
ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown people and events that have shaped our history.Arthur J. Paige ...
Vigo County Historical Society
1921GOTHICB. H. S.Many years ago, when the old college building housed the high school, whenB. H. S. basketball was not, and when our b...
Bloomington High School
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Some of the Jets - junior Alex Moseman,and seniors Chris Morrison and NickPhilbeck - sit around a table outside Docsstore talking about the&...
Bloomington High School North
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JUNIORSThe Juniors have been well brought up by Miss Soupart. As a class they areextremely proud of themselves and their achievements. We wi...
Bloomington High School
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A man notes an owl egg and beaver activity, signifying the end of winter is near.
Image Access WideTEK 25
Where winter is winter owls have laid eggs and are sitting on them. That means winter is practically over. (Last year it was March...
Karl K. Knecht Collection
THE NORMAL ADVANCE13&tf)lettcsiWith the opening of the school year, prepa¬
rations are again being made for an active year
m athleti...
Indiana State University Archives
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During the first home meet against Brown County, senior Luke Richardsoncompetes in the 1 00 meter dash. Richardson said he would have liked&...
Bloomington High School North
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ta=a;:lggg:a:lgfc*fc*fclfc;a;^^jTSOfcirTte JUNIOR CLA.First Bow.Second BowThird BowFourth Bow:Miss Harding, sponsor; J. May, T....
Ellettsville High School
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SCHOOL HISTORYClear Creek Townships first school was probably taught in 1822, near the old Woodward homestead, a short distance south of Smithvil...
Smithville High School
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Drawing of the William J. Ball House on South Fifth Street by Juliet A Peddle, Terre Haute Artist and Architect.
The William J. Ball Home on South Fifth Street. Drawing by Juliet A. Peddle, Terre Haute Artist and Architect.The William J. Ball House ...
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Logan Library
316 THE NORMAL ADVANCEtKfje eikipfjomore*A T the first meeting last fall, Mr. Glen Houk was elected president, Mr. Lahr vice-4 *■...
Indiana State University Archives
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ATHLETICSSMITHVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS 1938-’39When the one great scorer comes to write against yourname, he writes not that you lost or...
Smithville High School
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TII E NORMAL ADVANCE217After the presentation of the program, officers were elected for the spring term. MissManion was chosen President...
Miss HalcieFair, Vice President
Miss Chloe Houghton,Secretary, Miss Eleanor Stoy, Treasurer, andMiss Minnie Parson, Editor.The Society held its first meeting of the termApril 10, in&...
Indiana State University Archives
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After running toward^^and pit, freshman AmalaAfoaku takes off d^ngwie long jump event. AsAfoaku runs before leaping, she gets an adrenaline&...
Bloomington High School North
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OrchestraIf youre a classical musician, Carnegie Hall is the pinnacle ofperformance. It was made to have the greatest acoustics in theworld, and&...
Bloomington High School North
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Whats yourStudy Style?Matt Vlasmanby Jessee HahnWhether it was becauseof an odd personal quirk orindividual taste, studentsstudy habits contained amixture&...
Bloomington High School South
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GLEE CLUBSince Mr. McCauleys coming to Bloomington High School,music has been put into the foremost rank of the curriculum andschool activities.The...
Bloomington High School
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44Kids are always excited about their first carsand having a little more freedom, so I know everygeneration will love their first experiences...
Bloomington High School South
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1Year LeftBv Hannah MiniLand Sara BrooksOenior Karly Thornton has come a long way sineOshe left after Spring Break of her junior year. Fromf...
Edgewood High School
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218THE NORMAL ADVANCEwhen the Mikado was given in Terre Hauteabout a year ago, Miss Sammis appeared inthe role of the leading lady, Yum ...
also, Miss Myers accompanied at thepiano. The first solo from the Mikado wassung by Mr. Grimes. The girls chorus,Comes the Train of Little...
the trio, Little Maids fromSchool, by Miss Sammis, Miss Davis and MissJolley. The quartette, So Please You Sir, WeMuch Regret, was sung by...
Indiana State University Archives
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