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Showing 21 - 40 of 426 results
Search Results - (( fire state clo...
Showing 21 - 40 of 426 results
IEveryone seems to be having awonderful time at the annualHomecoming banquet as the seniors of 1955 get a chance to meetand talk with a...
University High School
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During Cabaret, junior Emily Kathman performsher solo, Alots Lament. Cabaret is one of herfavorite choir events, but she also enjoys SingingValentines...
Bloomington High School North
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140THE N.QRMAL ADVANCEthe real character of a man, by coming intocontact and associating with him. During theseweeks and months, she has an ...
his manners have departed forother regions, leaving him as cross as a bear.All his chivalry is gone and he is once againa weak, sinful&...
then, it is, that she finds out thatinstead of marrying a knight she has marriedonly a man. But it is too late now for her to...
you know it yourself without beingtold.Today, love and marriage at first sight is apopular fad. A man meets a woman on a carand a ...
in a few weeks, if we should reada newspaper, we should find that a divorce hadbeen granted to a Mr. and Mrs. So-and-So, thetwo wh...
Johnlearned this lesson long before he could callMary his wife. A great many times he wascompelled to wade through the deep snow andmud ...
after enduring all thehardships in coming, he could not even talkwith Mary alone, but had to make love to herin the same room where...
there is no one to disturb them. , If they donot wish to remain indoors, it does not takethem long to go to one of the m...
Indiana State University Archives
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Pomp, Pagentryand a ParadeNorth Poms celebrate the first everHomecoming Parade.The stands were full,the band was playing, andeveryone awaited the nameto...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
344 THE NORMAL ADVANCE$si ttyetaTHE Psi Thetas began the fall term with the following eight members, Blanche Johnson, Ella Inglis, Florence ...
theother a Christmas dinner at Herz tea room, covers being laid for twelve. The regular Saturday afternoon meetings were held throughout the ...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
This is the first issue of The Greencastle Eagle, a newspaper published in Greencastle, Indiana.
Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection
66THE NORMAL ADVANCEChristmas, Cfjen anb jgotoMARGARET MORGAN GILLUMCHRISTMAS, when the children weresmall, was the happiest day in the wholeyear. Weeks...
Indiana State University Archives
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A magazine dedicated to sharing the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.
The Shrine of Saint Mother Theodore GuerinFor information about Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, contact Sister Barbara Doherty, coordinator of the Offic...
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
. ■.Senior Keith Lewis looks for an opening as he getsready to attack the basket. In preparation for tiring games, the team spends...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
Student Council hosted the Retro Dance on Friay, February 6. Twojuniors explain their iconic styles and how they achieved the looks.* V....
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
110THE NORMAL ADVANCEg. JH anfci §, W. C a.Y. M. C. A.T T was on the 12th of Jan. that the first regu-*■ lar Y....
and Miss Gertrude McArthur, who wasfor awhile a teacher in the Peeresses School inTokio, and who was traveling in the interest ofthe Central...
Enjoy thy shining hour of sun:We dance along Deaths icy brink,But is the dance the less of fun?—The Kasidan.
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
Story by Krissi TarrSide ponytails, off-the-shoulder sweaters, spandex pants, leg warmers, and big hair were seen throughout Bloomington South High Sc...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
222THE NORMAL ADVANCECorning as hostesses. A jolly time was enjoyed by. all on account of the original andnovel contests engaged in, in whic...
Indiana State University Archives
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^ASWPhoto by, any high school studentswould love the opportunity to travel to far awayplaces, to experiencesights normally onlyseen on the pages&...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
THE NORMAL ADVANCE55to set this barn on fire. This chemical phenomenon is popularly known as spontaneouscombustion.We predict that Mr. McClouds succee...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
THE NORMAL ADVANCE47of the Epsilon Delta Chapter. The room withits mellow light, the Halloween decorations,suggestive of spooks and goblins and hob-go...
the different coursesbeing offered in a unique fashion. At the closeof the evening a hayride was enjoyed.On the evening of Nov. 9, the ...
Indiana State University Archives
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oneat a timeOUTHow did you bounce back fromfour consecutive snow days?Well, I started doing a littlework at the beginning of theweek. But,...
Bloomington High School South
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Bloomington High School
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The July 1980 issue of TROIS (Three Rivers One In Six), a publication of the Gay/Lesbian Organization (GLO) at Fort Wayne....
Northeast Indiana Diversity Library
The May 1998 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the...
Northeast Indiana Diversity Library